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Or the father, as long as you're not in the home, but it needs to be through the court. See link below.

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Q: Can you still pay child support even thou you are not divorce from the mother yet?
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What is the out come if you filed for divorce in Florida your spouse still lives in live in NY Child is 18 college bound you receive child support from NY how will your divorce affect the child suppor?

A divorce does not effect child support. Also, usually child support stops when the child turns 18.

Do I still have to pay child support if the mom dies?

No, child support is established to Support the Child. There are usually clauses within a Divorce decree or Separation agreement that indicate when Child Support stops -- usually at eighteen, or if the chidl marries, or if the child dies.

Mother no longer maintains a bedroom can she still get child support for a child living on his own?

Child support is intended for the child's benefit, not the mother's.

Can you get child support without a divorce?

Two married people are still considered a joint party and therefore mutual responsibility is assumed. It is possible to file for temporary support while divorce is in progress.In some states a couple can still obtain a legal separation and there would be a child support order issued in that case. The parties are still legally married but legally separated.

IF a couple is still legally married but currently separated and there is no child support order in place yet can the mother get back support from the time the couple separated?

No, child support will be assessed from the time the order goes into effect. you can file for a support order prior to the divorce though.

If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

Do you need to pay child support if you have an intervention order stopping you from seeing the child?

Yes, you will still have to pay child support because you are the mother or father of the child, and that makes you still pay child support.

What if a child moves in with grandmother is child support still owed to mother?

No, child support is only owed to the custodial parent/guardian. If the grandmother has become the custodial guardian, child support will be owed to her, instead of the mother.

Do you still have to pay child support if a child is 14 and the mother has taken him out of school?


Does a father still have to pay child support if he lives with the child's mother but are not married?


Do you have to pay child support to a child that was born in Mexico and now the mother wants child support?

It is in the best interest of your child for you to pay child support. If the child is still living in Mexico and the mother has a court order, you need to pay support. If there is no court order, you are not legally obligated to pay support.

If a parent moves with child out of state years after a divorce which child support law applies?

The divorce decree is still valid. If it needs modification, the law in the child's current state of residence applies.