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no the temp will become way too high by then

You could stop spending FOR EVER and it would have no effect one way or the other.

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Q: Can you stop spending on global warming for 2 years until the economy turns around?
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Who made the biggest impact on earth?

global warming or economy

Does global warming affect food land or the economy?

Global warming can affect the supply of food and the quality of the land. Global warming can increase the frequency of disasters such as hurricanes and drought. The economy eventually goes into recess if the country relied on agriculture for a great percentage of the income.

Witch country has the most Goble warming?

The countries that depends mainly on industrialization for their economy are the main contributors for global warming. From a research, United States has the most global warming.

How is the government getting money from the global warming hoax?

Governments are not getting money, they are spending money. Global warming is no hoax and governments have to spend money if there is any way of stopping it.

What economic effects do uranium have?

Economy of fossil fuels; no contribution to global warming.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

How might improved telegraph communication help the growing economy?

something with global warming i think

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

What is the cause for temperature increase in Antarctica?

Global warming is warming the atmosphere all around the world.

Is an increase in average temperatures around the planet.?

Global warming

What is the increase in temperature around the world called?

Global Warming

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.