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Certainly, white all purpose flour will work in muffins. Although they might turn out to be cupcakes, rather than muffins.

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11y ago

Use the all-purpose flour. Expect a different taste, and, possibly, texture/consistency.

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Q: Can you substitute white all purpose flour for white whole wheat flour in baking muffins?
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Can you substitute all purpose flour for whole wheat flour when making muffins?


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Can you substitute superfine flour for all-purpose flour in cake baking?

Generally you can, yes.

Can you substitute plain flour for all purpose flour in baking a cake?

yes. They are the same thing. Plain flour is an Australian term where all-purpose is the American.

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NO, baking mix usually has baking powder or baking soda in it and sometimes milk solids plus flour of coarse.

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the best flour to use would be all-purpose flour.

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Sapin Sapin is a glutinous rice and coconut dessert, traditionally calling for rice flour. If your recipe calls for all-purpose flour, you can safely substitute equal parts brown or white rice flour.

Can you use self-raising flour for muffins?

Yes, self-raising flour will help make the muffins rise, while plain flour won't unless you add baking powder to the muffins.

Why use flour in cupcakes?

Muffins can be made with white flour, unbleached white flour, whole wheat pastry flour, spelt flour, or a combination of several types of flour. Muffins can be made with self-rising flour if the amount of baking powder, soda, and salt in the recipe is adjusted.

Can you substitute plain flour for all-purpose flour in baking stained glass cookies?

Plain flour most likely is AP flour and I say yes at any rate.

Can you substitute baking soda for flour?

Not to bake stuff like bread. You can substitute 1 baking soda for 2 baking flour to make reductions. You can substitute 1 baking soda for 1 baking flour for gags (throwing on someone in the shower).

What is the ratio of all purpose flour to whole wheat flour when for baking purposes?

You can sometimes substitute all-purpose flour for whole wheat flour in a recipe. To do this, you would use the same amount. However, not all recipes will turn out if you do this.