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Child support is to pay for you to live, not to give to you as pocket money. If your mother pays for the roof over your head and your food, heating, clothes etc then she can be said to be paying for you to live. So you wont be able to sue her. Plus, in order to sue someone there needs to have been a contract between you that she has breached.

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Q: Can you sue your mother for child support that she is receiving and withholding from you?
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If you are 24 years old and your mother is now receiving back child support from the father are you allowed to get the child support from the mother?

no it goes to the mother.

If the mother of a child does not want child support can New York State Department of social services force her to go after the support?

If the mother is receiving any kind of assisstanse, yes, they will open child support case and pursue it.

How is child support calculated if mother is receiving welfare?

In the same manner if not. see link

Can your mother get in trouble for receiving child support for you in Texas while you are living in Missouri?

There are no applicable laws in any state that says the person receiving the child support must be actually spending the money on the child, so no. However, it could be addressed as an issue of abandonment of the child if the mother is in Texas and the child is in Missouri.

How long can the mother stays home with children receiving childs support?

Child support is paid until the children are 18.

Can a mother withhold contact information about his daughter while there is court ordered visitation and Child Support?

If by withholding the information she is preventing him from seeing the child she is in contempt of the court order.

Can custodial parent receiving public assistance stop child support and arrears?

No. If the state is supporting the mother and child the mother has no right to free the father from his responsibility to support his own children. The state will pursue him for child support.

What legal right do have if the mother is receiving child support for a child that is not in her care?

If you are the father, file for custody. As for the child support, until custody is decided, request the payment be sent to whomever has the child, plus that the mother be ordered to pay. see links below

Can you still receiving child support while receiving unemployment?

Yes, you are still entitled to receive child support even if you are receiving unemployment.

If the fathers name is on the birth certificate does he have to pay child support if he and the mother aggree not to?

If the mother doesn't seek a child support order no one will make the father pay. However, keep in mind that the mother can always change her mind and get back child support in the future. If the child and/or mother are receiving any state assistance the father will be required to pay child support.Fathers are responsible for supporting their children. If the mother doesn't need the child support then she should put it in the bank for the child's collegeeducation.

Can you get into trouble if your paying child support for a child and you live with the person your paying the child support to?

No, as long as the money paid is going to the house where the child lives then you can not get into trouble at all. However, if the child and her mother are receiving any form of state assistance you and the mother could get into trouble for committing fraud.

Can child support take away my check from work?

They can take part of it. In fact, most child support is paid through withholding.