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i have an interesting story to share about bed bugs. i have found several in my house and have decided to do experiments on them. i put three in a zip lock bag and decided to observe them. one died on the second day. several days later i noticed one was laying eggs. about ten days now and two are still alive and the eggs have hatched. 11 eggs and 11 new bed bugs. they are still small and white, almost clear. i am assuming without food they will soon die but i am waiting to see how long the adults in the bag will live. if anyone is interested i will check or update this periodically

However be aware adult bedbugs all over the world are known to be able to survive without any food for well over a year, so although your new nymphs in the bag will not get any bigger and will probably soon die, the likelihood is the 3 adults in there will remain alive month after month. And if there are any bedbugs or bedbug eggs elsewhere in the house from the same stock which you have not yet discovered, they will probably still be breeding and perhaps feeding. So having the ones trapped in the zip bag is not guaranteed to proyect you from being bitten and being "their" dinner when you are fast asleep at night.

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Q: Can you suffocate bedbugs in plastic bags?
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ANSWER. because they're not stupid enough to use something that can suffocate them, its harder to breath a paper bag into your lungs/throat.

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Plastic is a miracle substance. Like glass, plastic is waterproof and air tight, but plastic is flexible and much lighter than glass.Unfortunately, a thin film of plastic can also kill a child by suffocating him/her. Dozens of children (mostly infants) die every year because of plastic bags:Infants can roll over and get tangled in a thin bag like a dry cleaning bag left on a bed.Infants and toddlers can pull a bag over their heads and suffocate when they are unable to get them off.Sleeping infants can fall asleep next to a bag, roll over against it and suffocate.Dry cleaning bags, because they are large and extremely thin, are the most dangerous bags around the house. Garbage bags and thin plastic grocery bags are also dangerous around infants.There should be no plastic near an infant while he or she is sleeping. Even big, fluffy pillows and blankets can potentially suffocate an infant -- infants do not have the strength or awareness to get away from something once it covers the face.

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