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because they're not stupid enough to use something that can suffocate them, its harder to breath a paper bag into your lungs/throat.

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Q: Why do people suffering from anxiety attacks breath into brown paper bags and not plastic bags?
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Related questions

Does anxiety cause shortness of breath?

Anxiety can cause shortness of breath. It can trigger asthma attacks for asthma sufferers. One of the symptoms of a panic attack is a shortness of breath.

What is the definition of panic attacks?

The sudden onset of intense anxiety, characterized by feelings of intense fear and apprehension and accompanied by palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling. Also called anxiety attack.A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that develops for no apparent reason and that triggers severe physical reactions. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying.

How do you get asthma attacks?

they get out of breath

What are you suffering from if you have ozostomia?

Halitosis, aka, bad breath

Can you have anxiety and not know it?

You can not know about anxiety and not know it.=But you will know if you have anxiety if you know about it.==If you do you will have stomach pains, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath and heart palpitations.=

How do you get over anxiety?

Anxiety attacks can cause shortness of breath, palpitation, upset stomach or any other major complications. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms also cause some anxiety attacks. You can cure such symptoms with the help of Librium medication.

Are panic attacks a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder?

Okay there can be two answers for this question. Yes and no. The reason being is because everybody is different, and everybody is put through different situations. Depending on how well you can handle a certain situation depends on how well your body can avoid having a panic attack. Basically, everybody has a panic attack maybe only once in their lifetime or more but remember that depending on the situation, it all has to do with how they deal with it. :D

Why do I keep getting heart palpitations?

I'm no expert but if your palpitations are accompanied by shortness of breath, you could be suffering from anxiety attacks

Obtaining Anxiety Relief?

Anxiety and panic attacks can cause shortness of breath, chest pain and feelings of doom. There are a variety of available treatments available, however that can bring anxiety relief to sufferers. Taking to a qualified mental health professional can often bring anxiety relief to an individual, as may taking anti-anxiety medications. In addition, exercising, getting enough sleep and managing stress may also help bring anxiety relief. Listening to your favorite music, enjoying hobbies and socializing with friends and family can also greatly contribute to anxiety relief and may even bring permanent resolution of symptoms to some people.

What are the attacks of agumon?

It depends on the series: Series 1: Pepper Breath Data Squad: Pepper Breath and Spitfire Blast

How do you catch your breath after an anxiety attack?

Just wait and ask some one to chock you.

Are shortness of breath and sweating anxiety symptoms?

Yes they are. Check out this link for a more descriptive explanation on anxiety symptoms.