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No, for several reasons. You must be constantly seeking full time employment. The original benefit time period is 26 weeks during the 52 week benefits year. The Federal programs, at present (2011) last only 99 weeks. If any of the above events take place, your part time work vs unemployment benefits ends.

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Q: Can you supplement unemployment benefits with part time work indefinitely?
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You can file an unemployment claim if you only worked part-time only if you meet the job-searching requirements of your area.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits in New Jersey while doing part time work as a coach?

Yes, you can collect unemployment benefits while doing part time work. See "Reporting Part Time Wages" in the Related Link below for more details.

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Unemployment compensation is not taken out of paychecks of the workers. The business pays a payroll tax to the state who uses part of the the proceeds to pay unemployment benefits.

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It's not a matter of whether you work as a consultant but whether you meet all the tests for eligibility of unemployment benefits. Part time work may be permissible, depending on earnings versus benefits, etc.

Can you collect unemployment and work in the state of ill?

Yes. In the Related link below, page 5, "Are You Eligible for Benefits"; "Disqualifications"; 1) there are 9 reasons under which you can quit your job and still collect benefits.

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Yes, but Illinois is one of 4 states that offset your unemployment benefits by a part of your Social Security

If you collect unemployment from Connecticut but live in Arizona and just landed a part time job will your unemployment rates change from Connecticut to Arizona?

No. You are still operating under the Connecticut unemployment benefits and your part time job needs to be reported to Connecticut and they will adjust or otherwise inform you on what to do next.

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You can accept a part-time position, and still get partial unemployment benefits to make up the difference, until you can get a full time position.

Can you collect unemployment if you quit your part time job that you were collecting partial unemployment with for a full time job and then are fired?

There are too many variables in your question for a definitive answer. Your state, work history for the full time job, benefits remaining for the older part time job, qualifications for receiving benefits, etc.

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Apparently, in Tennessee, if you are partially unemployed (part-time employed??) you are not disqualified for filing for unemployment. To be on the safe side, refer to the Related Link below for more information.

Does unemployment pay the difference if all you obtained was a part time position?

Yes, based on the calculations determined in your determination of benefits.

Who started unemployment checks?

Wisconsin originated the ideal of "Unemployment Insurance" in 1932 and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt started "Unemployment Benefits" as part of the Social Security Act of 1935 thereby making it a Federal Program (all states).