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Yes you can take both medications with no side effects.

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Q: Can you take Darvocet for pain if you take Ritalin for ADD?
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What is stronger dextropropoxifeno or Tylenol with codenine?

Dextropropoxifeno is like darvocet, except it does not contain acetaminophen. Darvocet is said to be stronger than Tylenol with C. If you just need the effects of the narcotic, just take the D. FOR Strongest pain relief take D and add a regular over the counter Tylenol.

Can you take Darvocet and hydrocodone together?

no, do not take them together, different people react differently to pain killers, alternate them to see which is better for you. combined they have too much Tylenol and could cause liver damage

Why does it take so long to lose weight on Ritalin?

well i have ADD and i take Ritalin to help me focusnad when i take the med it makes you not hungry or in other words qehn the Ritalin is kicked in it has a side effect that makes you loose your appitite. thus resulting in you not eating as much, thus causing weight loss

Does Ritalin decrease the potency of methadone?

no - methadone does not affect the same neuro transmitters as ritalin. However, I have found in my own personal use of 80 mg Methadone/day (Entire right side back pain) and 10mgx3/day of Ritalin, the use of Ritalin has significantly decreased the duration and total effectiveness of the Methadone - causing me to experience more peaks/valleys, minor withdrawl simptoms and has ultimately led to me making the choice between the Ritalin or an increase of my Methadone, which I am not willing to do. I suggest a trial basis (2 week) to see 1) what dose of Ritalin needed and 2) If another, perhaps non-stimulant, ADHD medication might be a better fit. Hope this helps.

What is a Ritalin binge?

a binge on riatlin. Ritalin is a CNS stimulant used in the treatment of ADD/ADHD and if abused can cause euphoria similar to cocaine.

Are there any conditions Ritalin is prescribed for besides ADD?

it is also used for narcolepsy

Will the military accept people who have taken Ritalin?

Yes. ADD/ADHD is not a disqualifying condition.

Can you take robitussin while taking Ritalin?

Why yes! Robitussin's active ingredient, dextromethorphan, is a cough suppresant and expectorant. (It also has mild hallucinogenic qualities when taken in high doses.) Ritalin is a stimulant designed to curb the affects of ADD or ADHD. You can certainly take both at the same time. But, you might trip balls if you take too much.

What is Ritalin for?

Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a central nervous system stimulant. Methylphenidate affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. Ritalin is used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and narcolepsy.

How do you take away stomach pain in pregnancy?

add ice drink 7-up or sprite

What happens if i take Ritalin and don't have adhd?

You will get the same effects as someone with ADD/ADHD. It is a stimulant and will most likely give you a euphoria, focus, motivation etc... Adderall is way better BTW.

What happens if you snort ritillin?

High school kids tend to snort Ritalin, it's a cheap to alternative to "speed". Being that Ritalin is an amphetamine you're heart beats quicker, you are more social, typical amphetamine type reactions etc etc....Ritalin is gross. If you snort Ritalin and have ADD/ADHD you won't get high.