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Well snorting it is a waste since it's not water soluble, Injecting the pill into your muscle is a bad idea because of binders, IVing the pill is possible except you have to dissolve the pill with high proof alcohol and then dilute the solution to where it is safe to inject. You can plug it to but I doubt anyone wants to stick a syringe up the pooper.

The answer is to just pop them or hold them under your tongue.

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Q: Can you take Klonopin other than orally?
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Is it legal to take an old prescription of Klonopin?

While it is not illegal to take an old prescription of Klonopin, the side effects could produce more damage than good.

How does alcohol get into the user's body?

Alcohol tends to get into the body by consuming it orally. There are other ways, however it isn’t recommended other than orally. Different bodies absorb alcohol at varying rates.

Is 1mg Kolonopin equivalent to 1mg Xanax?

No I can take Klonopin and they are weaker than the xanax. they don't work as well or as fast

Does it take Klonopin longer to get in your body than xanax does?

The best I can tell you on that one is....klonopin is a longer acting benzo although xanax does seem to work better for me...for instance,I've been on xanax for 10 years,in my 3 pregnancies I was switched to,I wish I could give you a yes/no answer but I can't....just that xanax is stronger but not as long "acting" as klonopin

WHY IS Klonopin misued?

it is a drug, that in my opinion feels better than an orgasm. so, you can never really get enough from Klonopin, it will ruin you, if you start misusing.

If ativan will show up differently than Klonopin on a lab drug test you get tested for Klonopin?

Will lorazepam and klonopin show up differently on a lab drug test you get prescribed klonopin and a friend gave you ativan and you need to know if a lab can tell the difference between the two?

Which is stronger Ativan or Klonopin?

Both belong to class the class of "super-potent" benzodiazepines. Technically, Klonopin is more potent than Ativan (0.25mg-0.5mg klonopin = 1mg ativan), but if you are wondering which produces more euphoria, most would agree Ativan beats Klonopin. My psychiatrist recently swapped me from klonopin to ativan for my social anxiety, and I find ativan works faster and produces a much more calming effect than the klonopin did.

Is it safe to take Klonopin 05 and tyl 3 together?

If the Klonopin is new don't take more than your supposed too but, yeah. Should be no problem. It'll shallow your breath more than one or the other will but again, it really depends on your size. Height and weight. I take 10mgs of Klonopin, 90mgs morphine, 400mgs ultram, and 60 mgs of ritilian a day and I'm 5'9". 170lbs. if that helps you make up your mind but I've been doing this for 10 years. You're fine, just make sure to breathe and if you have respiratory problems, just be careful.

What type of word is orally?

The word 'orally' is an adverb; a word that modifies a verb. The adverb 'orally' is a form of the adjective 'oral', which means 'by mouth'. Example sentence:The names or the winners were read orally.The medication taken orally works faster than an application to the skin.

Can the temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

You can take a temperature by placing the thermometer in the armpit, when you get the reading add a degree and that is the temp you would have gotten if you had done it orally. 98.6 is the normal human temp but we all very slightly.

Can Klonopin help with Suboxone withdrawal or does it just mask the effects?

Klonopin is classified as a benzodiazepine (benzo).1 While benzos do help with opiate withdrawals, they are just as addictive. Try not to take them on a daily basis, or you run the risk of replacing one habit with another. Actually, it is safer to take Suboxone rather than a benzo every day. That is just my opinion. This is mainly because you can get very high on benzos while (as I am sure you know) Suboxone has a "ceiling" effect," which means that you can't really get high off of it.

Why do diabetics receive insulin subcutaneously by infection rather than orally?

[Because it gets in your system faster than having to take a pill and wait for the pill to dissolve.] Although this is probably also true, I think the main reason is that insulin is a protein molecule, which mean if you took it in pill-form your digestive system would break it down before it had a chance to be absorbed and get to work.