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Q: Can you take Voulentary wage deduction?
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Pf deduction from your direct wage direct wage-your basic salary (12 percent deduction from employee,13.61 from employer).

Is minimum wages the lowest basic pay on which pf is to be deducted?

Pl. tell me minimum basic salary/wage for pf deduction

What does the phrase 'garnishment of wages' mean in the English language?

Wage garnishment means the deduction of money from the salary of an employee. Wage garnishment will continue until the debt is paid or arrangements are paid to pay off the debt.

After deductions you can expect to take home?

after deduction you can expect to take home

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How much did the jackass guys get paid?

no money for making it, they make get some profits from the movie selling but the things they do is purley voulentary.

What does retro deduct mean?

A retro pay deduction is an odd concept. It means that the company forgot to take out the deduction before, so they are correcting the error.

Can a lawyer issue a garnishment to your employer without you being notified and in Mississippi can they garnish you twice for the same debt?

The garnishee is not notified by the judgment creditor or the court, but the wage garnishment will not begin until 30 days after the writ has been served on the employer; therefore the employer usually notifies the employee that garnishment action is pending. A wage garnishment will remain valid until the total judgment amount is paid in full. Wage deduction for child support is not considered garnishment, thereby allowing a support deduction and a creditor garnishment to be concurrently executed.

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