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Q: Can you take a cough mix with erythromycin?
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Does clarithromycin help cure the whooping cough?

No. The drug of choice is Erythromycin.

Can you take cocodamol and erythromycin together?

can you take co codamol with erythromycin

How can you help your cough?

Take some Tulsi leave mix it with honey and drink

Can you take sinutab with erythromycin?

no because sinutab has psudophidrine in it which will counter act the erythromycin

Can you take Erythromycin you are in your second trimester?

Yes, erythromycin is safe in pregnancy, and while breastfeeding

Can you take alprazolam with erythromycin?

The erythromycin may slightly increase the duration of alprazolam, but this is probably insignificant.

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How is chlamydial pneumonia treated?

Chlamydia trachomatis improves rapidly with erythromycin. Chlamydia psittaci infection is treated with tetracycline, bed rest, oxygen supplementation, and codeine-containing cough preparations. Chlamydia pneumoniae infection is treated with erythromycin

Can you mix cough syrup with Zyrtec?

Yes, you can.

Can a whooping cough be trated by antibiotics?

Yes. While prevention via vaccination is recommended, if one does contract Whooping Cough (AKA Pertussis) antibiotics are administered to shorten the duration of the infection. Three of the main antibiotics prescriped for Whooping Cough are Azithromycin, Erythromycin, and Clarithromycin

Can you mix cough medicine with lime juice?

ya u can mix it with anything just depending what kind of cough syrup if u have tussinex then mix that will some fruity drrank and if its that purple drank then def get sprite