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No. The drug of choice is Erythromycin.

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Q: Does clarithromycin help cure the whooping cough?
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How do you cure whooping cough?

the most important thing to do is go to a doctor then get a vaccine before you get whooping cough if not there could be some bad bad bad side affects with this. including the fact that you could die or vomit or stop breathing for long periods of time.

How do you cure a dogs cough?

Well you can not cure a dogs cough but if it is really real then you need to see a vet and they can help you.

What is the recommended diet for Whooping Cough?

The misery of the unknown reason for causing pertussis (whooping cough) that has become an epidemic in California may last for a long time. Since so many people have suffered, and families have been affected by this sickness, I believe that the most important thing right now is to help the pertussis patients to get well fast, and inform others to know how to protect themselves from this highly contagious bacterial illness. Here I am sharing my experience of using natural food to help my friends to get well fast from whooping cough, and use simple strategies as prevention methods.

Does Clarithromycin help hives?

Clarithromycin is an antibiotic, and is not used to treat hives.

What helps green cough in warriors?

the herbs of warrior cats that help stop green cough and stop green cough are: Cat mint: best known cure for green cough. May not stop green cough but helps. Helps stop white cough, witch leads to green cough. Chick Weed: can be used to cure cough. SPOILER!!!! when the need ran out of cat mint Bluestar caught green cough and she had to use chick weed. Also helps cure BLACK COUGH!?!?!?

A vaccine is available to help prevent whooping cough?

yes very much so :) only one person knows this MiNd ~FrEkA~

Can eating a healthier diet contribute to the treatment of whooping cough?

Whooping cough, especially in children, is something you should always get checked out by a doctor. Generally, they will prescribe antibiotics to help clear it up. If you prefer something gentler you could try foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties like garlic and foods containing Omega fatty acids, like fish. Still, if a child is involved I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor, as whooping cough in children, especially younger ones, can actually be fatal if not treated properly.

How is whooping cough treated by doctors?

Treatment of a cough generally involves addressing the condition causing it. An acute infection such as pneumonia may require antibiotics, an asthma-induced cough may be treated with the use of bronchodialators

Which orginisations help Whooping crane?

WWF and bird life help the Whooping crane.

Can water cure a cough?

Water has no known medicinal benefit, but can act as a therapeutic way to help the symptoms associated with a cough. Dryness, hoarseness and throat pain can all be relieved by drinking water. In addition, consuming water may help to moisten the trachea/throat and wash away the mucous that accumulates during a cough,

What is the best thing to help sooth pot smokers cough?

Stop smoking pot is the only way to cure it and nothing helps sooth it sorry.

I have allergetic problems i.e sneezing and cough how can you cure with these problems with proper diet?

If you are allergic to a food you can avoid that food. For most people there is no dietary intervention that will help.