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Custody (in theory at least) is based on the child's best interest. "So you don't have to pay child support" is not going to strike any judge as an argument in the child's best interest.

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Q: Can you take custody of your child so you dont have to pay child support?
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If spouse takes child out of state against your wishes can she collect child support?

If the mother has the full custody then she can take the child, and she can get the child support. If she doesn't have the full custody, then she is not allowed to take the child without the father consent, but she still can get the child support.

If I have custody of my child and don't receive child support and I allow my child to go live with his father is he entitled to child support?

He may be. It will be determined by a court if he decides to take it up with the state. If you have custody, was there a stipulation regarding child support? If there was a divorce agreement it may state the stipulations regarding support and custody. If the custodial parent is giving up physical custody of the child to the previously non-custodial parent then child support may be changed.

Will a judge take custody away from the custodial parent if they can not financially support their child?

No, that alone is not a reason to terminate custody. The non-custodial parent should be paying child support.

If you take over custody of your niece can you get any assistance?

Yes, the parents have to pay child support. They can give you temporary custody.

Should one party keep receiving child support payments even if the child is not with them fulltime or not at all?

If the child is not with them at all, the child support should go to the one who have custody of the child. If they share custody they have to agree on who will pay support and who will take the responsibility and see to that the child have everything he needs. If the parents can not agree the court will decide.

How much does it cost to give up custody of your child to the state?

In general, one cannot give one's child to the State. The taxpayers are not interested in raising your child. When the State does take custody of a child, it pursues the parents for support.

Can a mother terminate custody. She has 100 percent custody. She is paid child support for that child for 365 days of the year. Can she force father to take the child. Child is a drug addict.?

She can't. She might be able to persuade a court to do so. The child support would, of course, cease (and in fact the father might be able to then claim child support from the mother).

Is it illegal to not allow the children to see the other parent if they do not pay child support?

If there is a court order for visitation or custody it is illegal to not follow the court order. Child support, custody and visitation are 3 separate issues in court. Paying child support or not is not a reason to take away the child's right to see his/hers parent.

Can non- custodial parent take child with permission and where to bring child back what happens if they dont bring child back?

That is dependent on the custody orders.

If there is no child support order and the non-custodial parent takes custody of the children for two monthes does he still have to pay child support?

it depends my dad had to go to court to get rid of child support so if you take it off no he does not if he doesn't then he does have to pay for child support

Does a parent that does not pay child support have the right to take the children?

Regardless of whether a parent pays support or not - the custody agreement determines who has rights. So if your child's father did not pay support but wants to see the child, and he has joint custody, he has every right, by law. This may not be morally right but it is legally right.

Can the mother take a child out of the country if the couple is not married?

If the father have visitation, shared custody or paying child support she will need his and the courts consent.