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I would think that of it was a small amt of kpins like 1-1.5 mg then hrs later take methadone( no more then 35 mg ) depending on tollarance of course u will be fine ive done it be 4 an I'm still kicking! I wouldnt take them at the same time thoe

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Q: Can you take methadone and Klonopin 12 hours apart?
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No, if you take methadone, you should not mix it with suboxone. Make sure the methadone is out of you system before taking suboxone. Combining these medications can result in instant withdrawals and severe sickness.

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No, you do not want to take a sedative on top of a narcotic. Methadone is a very dangerous medicine. You don't want to risk your life mixing other stuff with this drug. Both methadone and Klonopin are very habit forming, so be careful and follow the doctor's directions exactly.

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Yes, you will be fine.

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