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Yes and No. If the courses are AP courses, you take the AP test in that subject and your chosen undergraduate college accepts your score, it could count towards your undergraduate degree. It really depends on the particular college you choose. The "no" part of the answer is that the courses cannot be used as credit at a graduate school.

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Q: Can you take some of the classes that you need to become a dermatologist in high school like biochemistry and biophysics?
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What classes would you need to take to be a cell biologist?

To become a cell biologist, you would typically need to take a series of biology and related courses. Some common classes would include cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, and advanced courses in cellular or molecular biology. It may also be beneficial to take classes in chemistry, physics, and mathematics to understand the foundational principles underlying cellular processes.

What knowledge is needed to become a dermatologist?

you need to know about skin and psychology

What classes do you take in high school to become a surgeon?

There are no prerequisites, but you need to try to take as many Honors/AP/IB classes as possible. If I were you I'd focus on these areas: science: pretty much science in general, but more specifically Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Biochemistry, etc. Math: Calculus, Statistics

What are the requirement to be a dermatologist?

To become a dermatologist you need to complete college, complete medical school, complete a dermatology residency, and take several board and licensing exams.

Is their a faster way to become a dermatologist?

To be a dermatologist, you must earn a M.D. or D.O. degree. After that, dermatologists do a residency of four years, sometimes more in specialized types of dermatology.

What school of medicine in the state of New Jersey to become a dermatologist?

There is no specific medical school you need to go to in order to become a dermatologist. Any of the accredited medical schools located in New Jersey will be able to provide you with the education you need.

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What are the classes to take to become a veterinarian at UCLA?

You cannot become a veterinarian at UCLA; the two veterinary schools in California are UC-Davis and Western University. However, you can take the courses needed to apply to vet school at UCLA - you will need to take lots of biology (zoology, microbiology, anatomy, genetics, etc.) and chemistry (inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry) as well as physics, calculus, and multiple general education classes. The list of pre-requisite classes can be found at UC-Davis' website.