

Can you take the flu mist while on Lortab?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The drug manufacturers and drug package insert data indicate that there are no known drug interaction problems with the flu vaccine (injected or nasal mist) and other medications. There should be no reason to avoid your flu vaccination when taking your regularly prescribed medications.

If you take medications that cause immunosuppression or have disease that causes suppression of your immune system, then you should consult your prescribing physician before vaccination to find out whether you should use a vaccine and, if so, which type of vaccine you should use [e.g., live attenuated vaccine (the mist) vs inert vaccine (the injections)].

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Q: Can you take the flu mist while on Lortab?
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Can you get H1N1 shot and flu mist together?

You can take the H1N1/09 swine flu shot and a nasal mist for the seasonal flu at the same time.There would be no reason to take the swine flu shot at the same time as the swine flu nasal mist since both do the same thing, so that should not be done.You can take a swine flu nasal mist at the same time as a seasonal flu shot.You can NOT take a nasal flu mist for swine flu at the same time as you take a nasal flu mist for seasonal flu. They can render each other ineffective.You can take a nasal flu mist for swine flu with any other nasal flu mist vaccine EXCEPT the one for seasonal flu.The 2009 H1N1 flu shot (inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine) can be given at the same visit as any other vaccine, including pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.Update 2010: There is no reason to get the H1N1 vaccine or flu mist up your nose this year as there is no pandemic or outbreaks. The US govt has included the H1N1 in every flu shot on top of the regular vaccines for flu which is not necessary and could harm you health permanently with the addition of squalene. Pregnant mothers have lost their babies in thousands of miscarriages, and people have died after the flu shot was given last year. The flu mist will give you live viruses in your nose and when you go home you will be breathing out the viruses to spread to the rest of your family. Take vitamin C instead, and chicken soup -you will live longer.

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Yes, if they are getting both vaccines by injections. That timing of the two kinds of vaccinations (seasonal flu shot and swine flu shot) is not a problem, in fact they could be given at the same time. This is not true for the nasal mist vaccinations, however.You can NOT take a nasal flu mist for swine flu at the same time as you take a nasal flu mist for seasonal flu. They can render each other ineffective. Ask a health care professional how long you should wait between these two kinds of nasal mist vaccinations.You can take a nasal flu mist for swine flu with any other nasal flu mist vaccine EXCEPT the one for seasonal flu.The 2009 H1N1 flu shot (inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine) can be given at the same visit as any other vaccine, including pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.You can take a swine flu nasal mist at the same time as a seasonal flu shot.You can take the H1N1/09 swine flu shot and a nasal mist for the seasonal flu at the same time.There would be no reason to take the swine flu shot at the same time as the swine flu nasal mist since both do the same thing, so that should not be done.

If you have the flu what would be best without the flu shots?

I'd take a flu mist. The one when it is sprayed up your nose. A lot of people get sick from flu shots.

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Is vomiting a side effect of Flu Mist?

Yes. It says so on the CDC website.

What happens if you are sick and have the flu mist?

Being sick with a cold or other mild illness will usually not stop you from being able to be vaccinated for the flu, unless you have a high fever. However, being out in public with an infectious disease is not advised, so you may want to wait until your symptoms are gone if you can. If you are sick from an infectious organism, then your immune system would have to do "double duty" to work on fighting that at the same time as it is busy producing antibodies from the flu vaccine. In a normal healthy adult this usually doesn't prevent vaccination, however, unless, as mentioned above, the symptoms include fever which indicates a battle is already going on between your immune system and an infectious organism. In that case, seek advice from your health care professional. Always tell the clinician who gives you the vaccination if you have been recently ill, or have underlying health issues, before they administer the vaccine.

How far do doctors stick the qtip in your nose when they check for the flu?

The intranasal flu mist vaccines come in a special spray apparatus that is used to administer the mist into the nose. It goes into the nose about an inch (or less in small children), since the mist sprayer distributes the vaccine into the nostrils. It does not go into the sinuses, just the nostrils.

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Yes, there are no harmful interactions between paroxetine and any cold/flu medication.

Does the Flu Nasal Spray Flu mist hurt?

No. The mist vaccine isn't supposed to hurt, and it didn't hurt when I got it. However, it will catch you off guard, even when they tell you they are about to spray it. It took my breath away when it went in, and it feels funky. There definitely was no pain, though.

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