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How are you defining productivity? If productivity is measured in terms of time and/or efficiency, it is often faster to just use paper and pencil for things like the recording of information such as exercise logs, food journals, etc. When you factor in things like computer start-up time, virus protection cost and acquisition, loss of data due to lack of backup, possible theft of computer, etc., sometimes computers are just not the right answer.

In terms of absolute knowledge, spellchecker features can make us dumb when asked to recall/spell things "off-the-grid".

Next, eyesight. It is hard to answer your question if I can't read it. After years of data entry using a computer, the Army wanted to prescribe me glasses after a required vision screening. Later, after years of being completely away from the screens of computers, my vision improved because a specialist told me that 3 dimensional objects (of which a computer screen is not), force the eye to work harder and use muscles that 2 dimensional objects do not, thus improving my vision.

Hope this helps.

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