

Can you touch your new babies hamster after two weeks?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes. You can, in fact its the excact time you should hold them because if you hold them at the wrong time they might die from their mother eating them.

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Q: Can you touch your new babies hamster after two weeks?
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How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?

Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.

Can you hold the hamster babies after 3 weeks?

No way! You shouldn't touch your baby hamsters until they are 3 weeks old. If they are younger than that and you touch them, your scent will stick to their fur. After that, the mom hamster will get scared of the new scent on her baby and EAT THEM!! You don't want that, so don't touch them too early!!

When can you start training your new born hamster?

For the safety of the pups,and to run down the risk to be bitten.Never handle pups younger than two weeks of age.Daily handing after two weeks will make the babies tame for the new owner you give them to.

My hamster just had babies and I'd like to know When can you handle them and their mother?

Thanks for the help, she had 10 of them. Unfortunately they are all at new homes now as I've given them away. She was never aggressive really, she was glad to get away from them! Anyways, thanks again!2 weeks. It takes you 2 weeks for you to be able to hold the baby hamsters, and after the mother has the babies she will be an aggressive hamster so she might bite you if you get near her.

When can you pickup a new baby hamster?

At around two weeks old.

If your hamster is pregnant how will she act?

The closer it gets to her having the babies she will start making a nest for the new babies and hiding food so she can stay with the babies and not have to come out.

How many hamster babies can your hamster have?

Most hamsters have 5-7 babies. Last year my 1 year old hamster had 18 babies, They can have up to 24 babies They can have about 2-10 babies maybe even 1. About 5 my hamster and my friends hamster had five babies

What do you feed a new born robo hamster if you cant touch it?

you don't touch the hamster.. just let the mom do the work and they will be fine... just make sure that the mother had plenty of water and dry food

How do you get a hamster to breed with a different kind of hamster?

If you try to breed two different types of hamster together, then the chances are that the new babies will have something wrong like missing limbs or no eyes, whiskers etc. Also, the babies could die just after birth or have illnesses that you can't cure.

When can you start touching the baby hamsters?

the hamster should be at least 4-5 weeks old and if your confuzed on how much to sell your hamsters for you should sell the girls, sence they can have babies, for at least $15. and the boys, sence they cant have babies, for about $13. well have fun, lilypad617

When should you let your cats older kittens around her new babies?

you can let the older kittens around the new babies when the babies are around 4 to 6 weeks old