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Yes you can. go under settings.

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I don't think so.

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Q: Can you turn off blood in Battlefield 3?
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Turn off blood call of duty 3?

Yes u can go to options and lessen or turn of blood and Language

Can you turn the blood and language off in battlefield 3?

This does not appear to be a supported function of the game.

Can you turn off cursing in battlefield 4?

Battlefield 2 was the first Battlefield game to have swearing it is not bad though they only say the "D word" when saying "Sorry" Battlefield Bad Company 2 and 1 has swearing but in Bad Company 2 you can turn it off in MULTIPLAYER by going to Options and scrolling Dialouge to 0. Battlefield 3 has language and there is no way to turn it off.

Can you turn off cussing in Battlefield Bad Company 2?

My dad said the same thing when I got battlefield 4,battlefield 3, battlefield 2 cause I was only seven years-old

Can you play Battlefield 3 if parental controls are preventing you from chatting?

You don't need to have a microphone to play battlefield. In fact in the options you turn off VOIP.

When you turn the blood off in assassins creed 3 does it turn all of it off?

go to the options section in the main menu and then go to gameplay then turn blood off

How do you turn blood off halo?

In the first one go to "options" and turn off "decals", but 2 and 3 have blood no matter what.

Can you turn off blood in modern warfare 3?


Will you be able to turn off the blood and language in modern warfare 3?

No the only game you can turn off the blood is in assains creed brotherhood

Where do you turn off the blood in Modern Warfare 3?

In your settings.

Is Battlefield 3 Battlefield Bad company 3 or a different series?

Battlefield 3 is part of the Battlefield series by DICE. It is the sequel to Battlefield 2. The Bad Company series is a spin-off of the Battlefield series.

Can you turn off the blood in assassin's creed 3 for the Playstation 3?
