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Probably: Slim Jims never seem to lose their ability to open any car door, even with the advances in locking devices.

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Q: Can you unlock a '96 Toyota Tacoma pickup with a slim Jim?
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How do I open a 95 toyota corolla door with a slim jim? I NEED A ANSWER NOW!

Unlock door on Chevy Silverado without a slim Jim?

The easiest way to unlock a door on a Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck is to use a key. In the event you do not have the key you may have to break a window.

How do you remove air conditioner switch from 1992 Toyota pickup?

with a slim screwdriver gently pry ac button strait out it will just push back in when ready

How do you unlock a 97' Toyota Tacoma using a slim Jim?

if it's like my other toyotas (83 celica, 91 corolla, 04 tacoma) you can't open the doors using a slim jim. there's a rod in there that moves laterally (front to back, parallel w/ the ground and side of the vehicle). In the past, AAA has wedged a plastic wedge b/t the door/body and then used a hook like tool (looks like a square root sign -- the checkmark w/ a little 'finger' at the end) to push the door lock up.

How do you use a slim Jim to unlock Toyota Camry 1995?

My daughter locked her keys in car. She called local police. They opened door with slim jim, laughing the entire time. Still don't know how they did it. DAD in N.J.

How do you unlock a Toyota Tundra with slim Jim?

It violates the Terms of Use of this site to answer a question for an act that can be used unlawfully. Power locks on a Toyota will not lock if the drivers seat is unoccupied, making it impossible to lock your keys in your own car.

How do you slim Jim a 1990 Toyota ex cab truck?

with a slim Jim

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I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

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How do you unlock a 97 Ford Contour with slim Jim?

The old standard "Slim Jim" won't work on that vehicle.

How do you unlock a gran prix with a slim Jim?

The old style "slim jim" doesn't work on the newer vehicles.

Unlock 2001 Ford Explorer?

go get a slim jim. or a hanger.