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It could be used as long as the needle length is approximately 1 1/2 inches long so that it reaches the muscle tissue.

The flu vaccine injections are given IM (intramuscularly) except if it is the new intradermal type of vaccine, which has its own delivery system with a very tiny needle injected into the layers of skin.

The typically sized needle for IM administration of medication is a 22-25 gauge, 1 1/2 inch IM needle.

23 gauge is slightly larger around than a 25 gauge, so it is possible you could feel it slightly more when inserted. A 23 gauge needle has an outer diameter of 0.02525 inches. A 25 gauge needle has an outer diameter of 0.02025 inches.

As long as you are able to correctly measure the proper dosage, it could be used.

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Q: Can you use a 23 gauge needle for a flu shot?
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For vaccines or to draw blood I would use a 20 gauge needle on adult sheep and a 22 gauge on a lamb. To administer medications such as penicillin, I would use a 16 or 18 gauge depending upon the drug and the volume needed.

Does flu shot needle size depend on age?

The diameter of the needle is small no matter how old the patient. A child could use a needle that was shorter than an adult, but an overweight child and an adult of normal build could use the same length needle. A thin adult could use the same length needle as a child. Usually, clinics only have one size needle for adults and children. The healthcare professional would insert the needle the adequate depth for a child and the adequate depth for an adult. In theory, the needle would be inserted into the muscle a smaller depth than in an adult. Flu shots can also be given in other locations besides the arm. If a baby receives a shot, usually they receive it in their thigh, and the healthcare professional would insert the needle to the correct depth to insert the medication into the muscular tissue. An alternative is the new intradermal (ID) flu vaccine that uses a much shorter needle since it is injected into the tissue between the layers of the skin instead of into the muscle. The flu mist, or the intranasal flu vaccine, is a good choice for pediatrics if they do not have certain medical conditions and are at least 2 years old. Another advantage of the flu mist is the lack of trauma from a shot. Adults can take the flu mist as well, up to age 49, as long as they are otherwise healthy.

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Can you use 27 gauge needle for testosterone?

Yes, I do so weekly. Use a 22 or 23 gauge needle to draw the test, then switch to the 27 gauge 1.25 inch needle. I heart the loaded syringe on a heating pad for about 10 minutes to loosen up the oil, then inject. Much less pain than a larger needle.

What gauge needle is needed for intramuscular injections?

Usually 24 number needle is used by doctors. For baby you can use 26 number needle and for oily injections you can use 22 number needle.

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What gauge needle is used for an inter muscular injection?

I think you might be asking about a intramuscular injection and i work with kids and we typically use a 25 or a 23 gauge needle. There are some medications that we use a bigger gauge due to the medi.cation being too thick to put through a smaller gauge. So i guess the biggest i would use is a 19

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Size and condition of the vein