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no it'd disintegrate in 3 seconds lol

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Q: Can you use a piece of tissue as a candle wick?
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Does area affect a candels burning rate?

The area of a candle itself would not normally affect the burning rate of the candle, but the area and transport rate of the candle wick could affect these properties. When in use, mot candles burn at the upper end of their wicks, to which the liquefied material of the candle is transported through its wick to bring the liquefied material into optimal contact with oxygen from the air. If a wick is extra large and/or transports the liquefied substance of the candle with more speed than average, the candle would burn faster.

What is the role of a wick in a candle?

This falls under a dangerous category. One that should not be answered here to avoid injuries. Contact a fireworks factory and they may tell you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a number of 'science experiments' have caused permanent and serious injury to those who started out just playing MOST countries ban the making of fireworks except by those people who make a living in making new and exciting pyrotechnics. For safety reasons even making a wick for fireworks involves using materials that cause injury to the just playing.

On the Shetland Islands they take this fatty bird stick its feet in clay put a wick in its mouth and use it as a candle What is it?

Stormy petrel

What the ingredients of a vanilla candle?

A vanilla candle has paraffin wax, a cotton wick (a metal base as a hold down for the wick is sometimes used) and Vanilla oil, extracted from the vanilla bean, for scent. You can also use a candle colorant (candle dye) to make it a little yellowish if you like. Try throwing in some brightly colored leaves or sticks for accent. Beware of class beads as they can explode.

What form of energy is produced when you use the candle?

When you light a candle, it burns the wax. That is chemical energy. The thermal energy is produced as the lighted wick continue to burn the wax. It also gives out light as it burns.

What can you do with the rest of the wax that does not finish burning and the wick is no more?

Creat another candle. There are small cheep candle making kits that are easy and work extremely well. Use all the extra candle wax, it's a prosess of melting, pouring into a mold, and drying

Why is a candle a compound?

The body of the candle is either paraffin (a petroleum fraction) or tallow (a type of beef fat), some candles now use fats extracted from soybeans. The wick is usually plant fibers (polysaccharides like cellulose).

Does the brand of the candle determine how fast it burns?

Well, yes and no. Because if you were making the candle, how long it burns would be determined on what size the candle is, what shape the candle is, what size wick and how many wicks you put in it and what kind of Wax you used. ie: Parrafin, Beeswax or Soy etc. And different companies are going to use different materials.

Tips for Candle Use Around the Holidays?

Holiday Candle TipsCandles are great to use around the holidays for several reasons, whether it's to add an extra dose of festive cheer to the day or to fill your home with holiday scents. While using a candle may seem pretty straight forward, there are many tips and tricks you should use before lighting one.The first tip is to always use a candle holder. If you don't have a holder, candles can be placed on a glass plate so the melting wax doesn't burn anything. Alternatively, the party host may also choose to only purchase candles that already come in a jar so a candle holder isn't needed.You should also be sure to keep candles away from any drafty or windy areas. All flames can jump under the right circumstances and candles are no exception. Candles should also be kept away from any easily flammable objects, such as long curtains or a paper table cloth.Finally, before you ever light a candle, trim the wick. A large wick encourages flames to jump, making it a recipe for disaster. You should also allow the candle to burn for at least four hours. The wax will melt and form a small pool around the wick. As the candle continues being burned, the wax will continue to sink with the wick. If you don't allow the candle to burn for four hours, only a small pool of wax forms. This causes the wick to sink down without the wax, resulting in a tunneling candle. These are often useless after being lit a few times because the candle no longer burns properly.

Why is your soy candles not burning properly?

It could be a number of things. I use IMARA candles from and love them. They are not over powering, but leave a nice scent in the air and burn well. If your wick is flickering - move it to another spot, it could be catching a draft and your candle won't burn right. Soy candles normally burn down the center. If you get any wax left on the side, while the wax is soft after a burn use a spoon to push it back down. Keep the wick trimmed to about 1/8 wick. If your wick is too long you will get an uneven burn. Also - they say that soy candles have a 'burn memory'. Which means they will follow the same burn pattern they created when you lit it for the first time. You should always let your candle burn for about an hour for small candles and two hours for larger candles the first time to create an even burn pool. Every time after that your candle should burn evenly again. The biggest thing is making sure your wick is always properly trimmed. Also - if the maker used a cotton wick, you will notice the wick burns downwards towards the melted wax. Sometimes before relighting you need to trim the little wick ball/head off and not much more. Never keep your soy candle near heat sources - that can damage your candle and affect it's quality as well.

Where can you buy birthday candles that don't go out?

Candles that use a wick and wax will go out when one or the other is consumed or the wax overflows the wick (common in wide bodied candles). Any electric candle will burn until its battery loses charge or its lamp burns out. If you mean a candle whose wick reignited when you blow it out try a gift card shop, aisle three, but you'll have better luck finding them on the Internet if you describe them as "reigniting" "candles you can't blow out".

Why is burning a candle chemical change?

Phenomena during the candle burning:- melting- evaporation- oxydation- thermal decompositionIt is a chemical change because gas is use as a chemical. It also has friction when your trying to light it. The match is similar.Burning a candle is a chemical change because the wick is being changed into two things: ash and smoke. It is no longer a wick, and it's properties have changed.because oxygen is reacting with the flame...