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Q: Can you use a wii remote and a GameCube remote at the same time?
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Can you use a GameCube remote for new super mario bros wii?

No you can't. You only can use a Wii Remote

Can you use the Wii remote for Nintendo 64?

no, but you can use gamecube controllers on the wii.

Can you play a GameCube game on the Wii with a Wii classic controller?

No, as you need to connect the classic controller to the Wii remote to use it, and the GameCube games don't recognise the Wii remote.

Will a GameCube disk work in a Wii?

yes but you cant use the wii remote there is a slot in the top were you can plug in a gamecube controller

Can you play need for speed carbon with GameCube remote Wii?

No you can not. It is funner if you are playing with the Wii remote because it is a little more like driving. You just have to spend more time playing the game before you get a feel for it. If you are having it problems racing with the wii remote then go to free roam and practice there,

Can Wii remote work with a Game-Cube controller at the same time in a Wii game?

If you mean in a multiplayer game can one person use a wii mote and the other use a gamecube controller maybe in some games. If you mean do a single player game with a wii mote and a gamecube controller then not very likely at all in most games.

Can you use a GameCube remote on super mairo bros Wii?

yes, my friend makes me use it when i go to his house

Do you need a wii controller to play supers smash bros?

No, you can use the GameCube controller,wii nunchuck(with remote),and wii classic controller(with remote).

What controlers does the game Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You can use the Wii Remote/Nunchuck, the Wii Remote Sideways, The Gamecube Controller and the Classic Controller.

How do you do Final Smash with your remote facing sideways? use the special(B on GameCube controller)button

Can you use the Wii remote for donkey kong country?

No. It requires either a Classic Controller or a GameCube controller.