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No, you cannot use bottle water for your fighting has to be drinking water, but not out of a water bottle, due to the additives and the filthering process.

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Q: Can you use bottle water for fighting fish?
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Does the water need to be heated for a fighting fish?

fighting fish can be in temp. 70 - 80 no higher or lower and use tap water do not use bottle water fish live longer with tap water I had made that mistake by using bottle water fish did not live to long tap water fish lived over two years also if your home is warm you don't need to have a heater room temp. is fine for fighting fish If you live in a tropical, warm place like Singapore or Jakarta then no heating is needed! If you live somewhere colder then try buying a heater. Don't buy an oxygenator though it's a waste of money since they don't take air from the water but from air. My Bettas can live in either warm or cold water but recently I noticed that when I put a flat heater in the tank he would stay snugged against it.

Is it better to put a fighting fish in pond water or tap water?

you can use both but tap water is a bit better for them

How do you catch a fish in Zoras's domain?

walk into the water and use an empty bottle until you catch one

What conditioner do you use when replacing the water in a fighting fish tank?

You need to use an aquarium water conditioner such as Prime or Amquel, although there are a variety of different manufacturers.

What is 5 different uses for a water bottle?

We Can Make Toys From Water Bottles. We Can Make A Storage Box From A Water Bottle. We Can Use Water Bottle To Drink Water. We Can Use Water Bottle To Decorate The House. We Can Also Use Water Bottle To Catch Rats.

What kind of water do you use if you dont want to wait to put your fish in?

Use water from the tap, and then use Tap Water Conditioner. The bottle usually says how much is needed depending on how much new water you're using.

Should you use bottle water in fish tank as live in Spain?

Most reticulated water that is fit for human or animal consumption is suitable for keeping many species of fish. Bottled water could be deadly to some fish depending upon its constituents.

Can you use untreated spring water for your goldfish's tank?

Bottled water is missing many of the minerals that fish need for their bodies. If your tap water is safe for you to drink, then it is safe for the fish provided that you use the recommended dosage of water conditioner per the instructions on the side of the bottle; you can buy this at a pet store.

Is it ok to put more decloenater in your fish tank then the bottle says to?

I would stick with the directions on the bottle. I use a decloenater in my 75-gallon freshwater aquarium before I put the water in with my fish. This helps protect the fish more. Another way to decloenate your tank is to draw the replacement water the day before, put the decloenater in and let it sit overnight. This way you are assured that the water is clear and you do not stress your fish.

Does bottle water have enough oxygen for your fish?

Bottled water has usually been interfered with too much. Just use tap water that has the chlorine removed. That's what the vast majority of aquarists use very successfully.

How do you make a solar car?

Use a water bottle and for the wheels use four water bottle caps and put a hole in the sides of the water bottle (use a big water bottle) and put holes in the caps too and use a straw to hold the wheels to the car and use tape to keep it all together. Good luck!

Can you use soft water in a fish bowl or do you use bottled water?

The type of water you use in your fish bowl depends on the type of fish you plan to put in the bowl. You can use tap water, soft water and bottled water in a fish tank.