

Can you use glycerine when making kahlua?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Can you use glycerine when making kahlua?
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Can you use glycerine for perfume making?

Once I read an article that contained a suggestion on how to make perfumes by yourself. It mentions that you can use glycerine ( a substance needed in the making of soaps). Glycerine helps perfume to keep perfumes maintain it's fragrance longer.

A use for the solid waste from the refining of plants. It is Used for making soap?


Why glycerine a polymer?

Glycerine polymer is used for many things one of them is soap. And glycerine is bio- degradable. and is Non Toxic. Glycerine is found in most things we consume and use .

How is glycerine made?

The traditional method of making glycerine is the hydrolysis of natural animal and vegetable fats, which are primarily triglycerides of fatty acids.

What can you do to smoothen out skin?

we can apply glycerine to the roughened areas and we can even use the combination of glycerine and honey over lips and face to smoothen. and even for the cracks on the heels we can use glycerine.

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Can use glycerine for dark lips?

Mix glycerine with rose water and apply on lips at night to remove lips darkening.

Can you make smoke fluid out of glycerine?

I do some DJ stuff and event organisation.and i actually use glycerine in my smoke machine.mix it with 1 part distilled water and 1 par glycerine for a good thickish smoke.less glycerine the cheaper it will be and thinner smoke.

Is glycerine sticky?

Yes, glycerine is sticky

What is kosher glycerine?

It is glycerine that comes from vegetable sources.

Is glycerine used for sex?

No it is not good, as it is sticky, use K.Y. Jelly instead.

How do you make fake tears?

use glycerine just one drop no harm