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Q: What is the material used for making a temporary mount of onion peel?
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Purpose of making a wet mount slide of onion skin tissue?

Making it yummy

Do you put the onion skin in french onion soup?

NO, but you could use the onion skin when making your natural beef stock, which would then be used making the onion soup. Use Vidalia onions and green peppercorns in your recipe .

Are blood and onion cells filled with living material or are they empty?

They are both filled with living material.

Can a Spanish onion replace a vidalia onion for making onion rings?

Sure, I have used what onions I had on hand white, purple and yellow.

How is bacteria cell different from onion peel and virus cell?

The diff is thatbacterial cell is prokaryotic and onion peel is eukaryotic .bacterial has 70 s ribosomes and onion peel has 80 s ribosomes.bacterial cell has genetic material called nucleoid and onion peel has its develped genetic material in the nucleus.bacterial cell has no membrane bound organelles but onion peel has membrane bound organelles.

Why do onions have a paper skin?

It protects the meat of the onion and keeps moisture inside . It does this by clamping on to the onion making safe. thats why when you peel an onion the skin comes off in a big chunk.

Why potato ginger turmeric yam onion are thick fleshy and bulging?

Due to storage of food material in the rhizomes of Potato, genger, turmeri and yam and in the scales of onion.

Explain Why you could not use a grass leaf in this investigation?

A oak leaf would make a poor wet mount slide as does not allow the light to pass through making the slide difficult to read. An onion leaf makes a better wet mount as light easily passes through the cells making the slide very clear and easy to read.

What is the difference between a bacterial cell and a onion peel cell?

Bacteria cells are prokaryote, that is they have a lose gathering of genetic material and few organelles, ribosomes being the most of that. Cell walls. Onion cells are plant cells that are eukaryote. They have membrane bound organelles and a membrane bound nucleus for the genetic material. Like bacteria, plants have a cell wall.

Onion skin experiment?

Aim-To stained tempory mount of onion peel to record observation and draw labelled diagram Materials requires :- onion peel plane cover slip ;watch for caps ,needle, brush, saframinesolution, filterpaper ,glycrine&microscope. Procedure:- (1) take out a piece of transparent onion peel with the needle are for caps. (2) dip this onion peel in saframine solution kept in watch glass. (3)take a small piece of stained onion peel &put on slide. (4)clean the pel with the help of needle & brush (5)part a drop of glycrine over stained pul the cover slip gentel over it shoked extream material by clothing paper. (6)examine the slide under microscope. Observation:-the slide show a large number of rectangular &square shape cells. result :-onion peel consist of rectangular cell. precaution:-(1)over and under staining shoud be avoid. (2):-extra material should shoked by paper. (3):- small & thin peel should be taken.

What is the meaning of idiom onion skin?

If something is like an onion, it is a layered problem. Peeling the onion would be addressing the problems one at a time, and possibly harder and harder - just like an onion has more odor the more you peel. Onion skin can also be a reference to a type of paper, often the type used for making carbon copies. The paper is thin and rustles as you touch it, and feels a bit like the outer onion peel.

Is the onion an autotrough?

Yes. The onion is a plant, meaning it can do photosynthesis. Autotrophs (spellcheck) are a type of organism that makes its own food. Photosynthesis is one of the best examples of an organism making its own food.