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You can, but there is no point, and a waste of the Minwax. -Minwax is for applying to bare wood.

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Q: Can you use minwax over gloss paint?
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Can you use polycrylic over enamel oil paint?

You can in some cses, but Minwax does not reccomend it.

Can you use gloss paint over wood primer?

Yes, you can.

What happens if you paint Matt paint over gloss paint?

It will not stick very well unless you use a primer in between.

How do you clean a brush after using minwax stain?

Use Sikkens paint brush cleaner!

How do you use gloss in a sentence?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you want to use. If you mean gloss as in a shine, here are a couple of sentences.That paint has a high gloss.I like a low gloss, or even matte, paint on furniture.If you mean gloss as in to skip over something, try these sentences.If you don't watch him, he'll gloss over something important in the meeting.Just gloss over that part because it's not important.If you mean gloss as in lip gloss, you could say "That color of lip gloss looks good on you."

Can you use a polyurthane over piece of furniture that was refinished with minwax one step stain?

Yes, you can use polyurethane here. It will actually set better over the Minwax.

Is Minwax Polyurethane Clear Semi-Gloss good to use for a headboard if not what should you use instead?

Yes, Minwax Poly S/G will work great on a headboard. Other options include spray lacquer, shellac or a spar varnish.

Do you use semi gloss or gloss to paint exterior on car?

Semi-gloss paint most times exposes the metal of your car. It can lead to rust and erosion issues. Gloss paint is definitely the way to go.

What type of Krylon paint do you buy for Spray Paint art?

Gloss. You can use any type of spray paint for spray paint art, but be sure it is gloss.

Which type of roller is best for gloss paint?

Use a foam 100mm roller to apply paint. The go over with a good quality paint brush. the idea is to apply the paint evenly .

How many coats of primer do you need to use over black gloss before you paint it white?

If your gloss white is good quality, then a single coat should cover a grey primer.

Can you use semi gloss paint to paint children s rooms?
