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Mupirocin ointment can be used on your penis. This ointment is used as a topical antibiotic for varying skin infections.

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12y ago

Mupirocin is an antibacterial agent, and cold sores are viral, so it is not effective for treating cold sores.

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Q: Can you use mupirocin for cold sores below lip?
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Can you pass cold sores when you just have a cut on your lip?

Cold sores are spread by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus. A cut on your lip is not enough to spread cold sores.

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What causes lip disease?

Lip diseases can be caused by various factors, including viral infections (such as herpes simplex virus), bacterial infections, fungal infections, allergies, irritation from chemicals or cosmetics, nutritional deficiencies, and underlying health conditions such as autoimmune disorders. Proper diagnosis by a healthcare professional is essential to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment.

Are little painful dots on you lip cold sores?

Yes, they are likely a cold sore.

What are some treatments for having cold sores on the lip?

Some treatments for having cold sores on the lip is to stay out of the sun that causes the localized ailment. Cold sores are caused by the accumulation of oils that is irritated by the effect of direct sunlight or salt water after having a swim. The treatment of cold sores should not involve any medications because the avoidance of the causation of the ailment will cause it diminish.

Which STDs can cause lip sores?

Herpes and syphilis are STDs that can cause sores on the mouth or genitals (or anywhere else).

Is it normal to have fever blisters or cold sores and cankers sores after having wisdom teeth removed?

no your wisdom teeth has nothing to do with cold sores or fever blisters. Cold sores and fever blister are a type are herpes and it is from using other people lip stick.

Is it possible to have a canker sore in your mouth and have a cold sore on your lip at the same time?

No the chances of canker sores are very less, canker sores once there are contagious though.

Can you only get the virus by sharing of lip gloss if the person have the cold sores?

No, you can also get it by kissing.

What about lip sores on my dog?

my dog has small sores on the upper lip what is it?

Is having two cold sores on your bottom lip normal?

It's certainly a common situation.

How do you stop a bleeding cold sore?

Its actually common sense add Vaseline or any of the flavours, lip smacker, baby lips, or the best one is Carmex lip balm fore cold sores.