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Neosporin can help to prevent infection and so helps wounds heal faster, however, it will not do anything specific for a fever blister.

An over the counter medication called Abreva can help as can several prescription medications. Some think leucine (and amino acid) is also helpful.

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Q: Can you use neosporin to get rid of a fever blister?
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use neosporin it will work.

What to use for a fever blister?


What should you use for your fever blister?

You should be using creams like abreva or antiviral medication.

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You probably won't be able to completely get rid of a blister caused by a temporary crown. You could call your dentist and see if they had any recommendation. You could use Orajel to help with the pain.

What can stop the pain of a monkey bar blister on the hand?

Soak your hand(s) in cold water. Never use direct ice. Maybe put on some neosporin. This won't take the pain away but it can help relieve it for the most part.

Can you use neosporin for a stye?

YES - Neosporin is an anti-biotic proven to help with styes. There are even special brands of Neosporin that are used specifically for eye styes. Avoid a trip to a doctor and buy your own anti-biotic. If the stye lasts longer than a week, seek medical treatmeHnt. Some styes can be stubborn and may need more care than you can give. Your GP can prescribe a medicine to help ease the pain and rid your eye of the stye. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T SQUEEZE IT. IT CAN SPREAD AND CAUSE EYE PROBLEMS - IF IT WON'T GO AWAY AND GETS VERY BAD - SEE YOU GP INSTEAD

What is a remedy for fever blister to either cure or comfort?

A lot of fever blisters are hard to get rid of. Sometimes you may use Blistex Medicated Ointment, but make sure of consulting a doctor before hand. Fever Blisters are embarrasing & can hurt very bad or itch. You usually get a fever blister from oral sex or just kissing another person. A fever blister is basically type 1 herpes, but nothing to worry to much about.If you have one, they will normally last for about 2-6 weeks. Take precautions before using any product on a fever blister.

Can you put neosporin on a burn?

If you have minor burn then you can use Neosporin on it. But when the burned area is large and severe then one should not use Neosporin. The Neosporin is only applied to the external areas.

Should you use neosporin on your new belly button piercing?

The tube of Neosporin doesn't say to use it on puncture wounds, so you don't use it on puncture wounds.

Can neosporin be used on bearded dragon?

Yes Neosporin is a good medication to use if your Beardie has an external sore or injury

How do you get rid of self harm scars overnight?

Put lotion on you leg (do not rub it in) wrap in plastic wrap and leave over night, take it off and the scab should fall off.