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Q: Can you use powdered sugar in frosting instead of white sugar?
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How do you make frosting without butter?

Powdered (confectioner's) sugar is a basic ingredient to cream cheese frosting. Substitutions such as granulated table sugar, brown sugar or honey will not produce acceptable cream cheese frosting. In a pinch, it may be possible to process granulated white sugar in a blender or food processor until very fine. Then add a tablespoon of corn starch to each cup of very finely processed sugar to approximate powdered sugar.

How do you thicken frosting that's too thin?

To make butter cream frosting thicker you should put it in the fridge, or beat it in a bowl over (not in) ice, or mix in a little more butter. If it is egg-white frosting put it in the top of a double boiler and beat it a little over simmering water. :)

What is white confection?

powdered sugar

Will icing sugar and white sugar work the same way for icing?

No. Icing sugar is very finely ground, like a powder, so it dissolves in the butter and makes the frosting smooth. White sugar has little granules and if you use it in frosting your frosting will be grainy and crunchy.

Is white sugar the same as granulated sugar?

no because white sugar is more clumped than powdered sugar and powdered sugar doesn't taste like sugar that much Powdered sugar is chemically not fundamentally different from regular sugar, just more finely ground. However, powdered sugar may contain additives to prevent clumping. you are exactly right!!!! by Terrier23

Is powdered sugar equivalent to granulated sugar?

No... Powdered sugar is icing sugar. Granulated sugar is white sugar that is in granules. Chemically they are identical. The difference is in the physical structure. You can create your own powdered sugar by using a blender and granulated sugar. It won't be as fine, but it will be closer.

What is in vegan powdered sugar?

powdered sugar is simply white table sugar that has been pulverized. traditional cane sugar (as opposed to beet sugar) is refined through charcoal, which some times consists of bone char from animals. vegans are opposed to this because it means an animal product is part of the process of creating the sugar. vegan powdered sugar is made with unrefined sugar that has been pulverized with corn starch, in order to simulate the consistency of non-vegan powdered sugar.

Where does icing sugar as in the icing sugar from cakes come from?

Icing sugar is normal white granulated sugar that has been powdered to be very very fine.

Uses of sucrose?

Sucrose is the chemical name for white sugar, brown sugar and powdered sugar. It is used in most foods from candy to frozen dinners.

How do you make cookies attractive?

Properly baked cookies are attractive without additional embellishment. But a sprinkling of powdered or colored sugar can add to their appeal. A simple curly line of frosting in a contrasting color - white on chocolate, pink or chocolate on light cookies - is also dependably attractive.

What are marshmellows made out of?

Powdered sugar and gelatin and flavored with vanilla.