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No, your hamster is not a reptile.Take your pet to see a Vet.

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Q: Can you use reptile mite solution for dwarf hamster?
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Related questions

Where do reptile mites come from and how do they get to the cage?

Reptile mites can come from the reptile its self if it is new or bad substrate that already has mite

What happens if you feed your hamster tangerine?

it mite have an infection or it mite have to be taken to a pet care center

Why was my hamster rock solid when you woke this morning?

it could be die in the night or mite be to cold for it so you mite need more bedding

Can you feed dwarf hamsters celery leaves?

Yes. Here is a site for if you have any other questions about there diet. There is a huge list of what they can eat and they cannot. But make sure you don't OVER FEED your hamster vegetables and fruits for they mite get diarrhea. Yes. Here is a site for if you have any other questions about there diet. There is a huge list of what they can eat and they cannot. But make sure you don't OVER FEED your hamster vegetables and fruits for they mite get diarrhea.

Why did my pregnant hamster died before giving birth?

It mite of been a big stress for her to give birth.

Why is my hamster eating her paws?

A hamster will not usually behave in this manner. It could be a sign that she is very sick, or that she has some sort of mite infestation. You really must take her to see a vet.

Your hamster has rash on stomach and falls over when he walks What is wrong?

It probably has mites. Consult a pet store for mite cream.

What does a albino hamster have on its back?

the hamster (hamstorus mongolus) has tiny cells of mite poop called cahloris on its back.It is very common when you pet your albino hamster, you will see teeny pieces of hair come out.This is because the poop wears down the hair, thus making it weak.FromDr.Mainguy

How can you tell if your dwarf hamster has mites?

Mites are little rodent fleas that will attack your robos skin and fur.There are signs: scratching bald patches wet fur pink flesh/ear sometimes you can see mites jumping around fur Treating Mite infections: Isolate the hamster(s) and clean out the entire cage after sterilising the cage and providing fresh bedding,spray the cage with anti-mite spray designed for caged birds or small animals (easily purchased from any branded pet store or vet) spray the hamster with the anti-mite spray while sheilding its eyes and head For effective treatment the anti-mite fluid should come in contact with skin,otherwise the mites cannot be killed effectively Treatment is repeated once a week until all signs of mites and iteling are gone, unless the ailment bottle states,otherwise If there is no improvement after 2 weeks or seems to get worse consult a vet dry and scaly skin can be relieved by rubbing olive oil ( on the end of a cotton bud) wich is harmless when ingested by the hamster. Before and after handling your hamster,wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap to prevent spreading the infection.Hamster mites can bite humans causing small welts,but cannot live in human skin.rodent mites will not cause scabils in humans.

Is a mite a consumer?

No, a mite is not a consumer.

Is a mite a decomposer?

a mite is a decomposer

Can hamsters live in plastic boxes?

I can't see why not. My hamster is in a fish tank just make sure it is a big enough tank though and most hamster's do grow so make sure it's big enough. I have my Teddy bear hamster in a 10 gallon but i failed to realize he was going to get so much bigger so i go a tank add on with sits on top of the tank and has ramps and such for it to climb up. Just make sure you have a top to the tank held down by something or else it can get out as well as bedding and such for it.