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Q: Can you use the no no hair removal on or near varicose veins?
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Varicose veins are swollen and distended veins, usually in the legs, resulting from pressure. Pregnancy is a common cause. Varicocities is another name. Varicose veins can occur anywhere, but the phrase is often used to mean varicose veins in the leg. Varicose veins can cause stasis or impaired blood flow.

Are varicose veins treatable?

Varicose veins can develop in the deep veins also. Varicose veins in the superficial veins are called primary varicosities, while varicose veins in the deep veins are called secondary varicosities.

What is varicosity veins?

Varicose veins are veins that are swollen and sometimes painful. They may also be twisted and can have more blood in them then normal.

What are and how do you get hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. There are many causes and pregnancy is near the top of the list. See the link.

What promotes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are veins under the skin of the legs, which have become dilated and tortuous. They are very common.Blood flows down the legs through the arteries, and back up the legs through the veins. There are two main systems of veins in the legs - the deep veins which carry most of the blood back up the legs to the heart, and the superficial veins under the skin, which can form varicose veins. All these veins contain valves which should only allow the blood to flow towards the heart. Failure of these valves allows blood to flow backwards down the veins and increase pressure when standing. This excess pressure leads to dilation of the veins and the appearance of varicose veins.What causes varicose veins?Varicose veins and spider veins often run in families. Hormonal factors including pregnancy, menopause, the use of birth control pills and HRT also affect the condition. Other predisposing factors include ageing, standing occupations, obesity and leg injury.What are the symptoms?Other than cosmetic embarrassment the commonest symptoms from varicose veins are aching, discomfort, and heaviness of the legs, which are usually worse at the end of the day. Sometimes the ankle can swell too. Elevating the legs and wearing support stockings can help to alleviate the symptoms.ln a few people the high pressure in the veins causes damage to the skin near the ankle, and a red skin rash can develop. lf these skin changes are allowed to progress, or if the skin is injured, an ulcer may result.Other problems which varicose veins can occasionally produce, are superficial thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and bleeding.What is the treatment?The only way to get rid of varicose veins is with surgery or more recently, endovenous laser therapy or ultrasound guided

where is the hair removal clinics in Virginia?

There are several major cities in Virginia that have hair removal clinics facilities. Look up the closest clinic near you.

Can deep see diving cause varicose veins?

yes especialy if you swim near the sharks and phiranas... you can die if they get infected so be carefull when sea diving you little cheese bomb

What is varicosities?

Varicose* veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin. They are most common in the legs and ankles. They usually aren't serious, but they can sometimes lead to other problems.

How do you treat varicose?

There are a variety of ways varicose veins can be treated depending on the severity. If varicose veins are not causing serious problems, such as pain, blood clots, or skin disorders, then your doctor will tell you to make some lifestyle changes. Some of the changes that can help varicose veins are to avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, do not cross your legs at the knee, try to keep legs elevated when sitting or sleeping, exercise to keep the blood moving, and avoid tight clothing and high heels. You can also try compression stockings. Compression stockings help keep the blood from pooling in the legs and also decreases swelling in the legs. There are a few medical procedures that are done to remove or close varicose veins. One procedure is Sclerotherapy. It uses a liquid chemical to close off the vein, and needs to be done every 4-6 weeks for several treatments. Laser Surgery can be used to treat smaller varicose veins, making the vein fade away. Endoscopic Vein Surgery is usually used in very severe cases, and is done by making a small cut in the skin near the varicose vein. A surgical device at the end of a camera is inserted then used to close off the vein.

Do the results of laser hair removal last?

If done properly the result can last longer. For a near to permanent hair reduction several treatment sessions are required.

I am considering laser hair removal, does it hurt?

It hurts a little bit but it doesn't last long, I think it is worth the pain! I found the Hair Lasers website to be helpful when deciding to get laser hair removal, it talks about the procedure and you can search for a center near you. I found IPL is as effective as lasers in permanent hair removal but more safe than Lasers. You can get more info from this site

Where are there laser hair removal schools near Los Angeles California?

AIE (American Institute of Education) has a laser hair removal clinic/school in Los Angeles. Students are supervised by well trained and State licensed instructors. Applications are available online.