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That is the primary way to create uppercase letters for the ones that have keyboard keys. This is adopted from the same keys used on typewriters.

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Q: Can you use the shift key to uppercase letters?
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When adding cell addresses in a formula you must use uppercase letters?

You can use lower case letters, but Excel will convert them to uppercase after you have finished entering the formula.

What is uppercase and lowercase?

Uppercase and Lowercase is wut u use on the computer to type.Uppercase is Capital.Lowercase is smaller letters.

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Use the uppercase letters IDLVXCM

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Use the uppercase letters IDLVXCM

When naming folders and HTML pages you must use?

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What is a blackberry shift key?

There is not exactly a Shift key on a blackberry, but there is a key marked "alt" and another one marked with an arrow pointing upward followed by "aA." Use the alt key to type out symbols, and the other one life shift for choosing the case of letters you enter.

What key do you use to capitalize letters on left half of keyboard?

For proper keyboarding technique, one should use the right-hand shift when capitalizing letters typed by the left hand.

What is the difference between the caps lock and the shift key?

Caps Lock will "lock" you into typing capital letters when you press it. You will continue to type in upper case until you press the caps lock key again to release it, at which point your work will be produced in lower case again. Caps lock only affects the letters A-Z and is mainly used if you want to type anything more than a couple of consecutive letters in capitals. Shift will only affect what you type while you actually hold that key down; it does not "lock" in the same way that caps lock does. Shift will also produce capital A-Z letters but in addition it allows you to select special characters on the keyboard, for instance the symbols set above the numbers and the use of quotes and other specials that you see in the top half of the keys on your keyboard.

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What is the function of the computer keyboard shift key?

The shift key is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters. It is also used to access the special characters on the number keys and other double character keys on the keyboard!

How do you write post code in upper case letters?

Same as you would with writing any other capital letter, you could use the shift key or the caps lock key

How do you use f14 function on key board of a computer?

F13 = {Shift Key}+F1 F14 = {Shift Key}+F2 F15 = {Shift Key}+F3 etc.