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Witchcraft is in and of itself a spiritual path. The ethical practice of any spiritual path is designed to make you a better person. Unfortunately these days, most people following one spiritual path tend to claim all others are on the wrong path and thus "going to hell"

Most witches don't believe in hell as it is a construct of the Abrahamic religions. Or as in some pagan paths, hell is just seen as the afterlife (not a place of punishment), in which case they believe everyone goes to hell.

My personal favourite quote concerning this is:

If in the following of your God or gods you become a better human being, then it matters not by what name or names you call them.

attributed to -S. L. Darrow

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The practice of the Craft is part of a number of spiritual paths.

Most of those paths do not consider the use of magic a bad thing. Additionally most of those same paths have their own ideas about the afterlife.

So, those who follow a pagan path and ethically use magic, will go to their own afterlife.

Heaven is a belief of the Abrahamic religions and pagans don't expect to go there.

As I have been told, those who believe in heaven also believe that all use of magic is bad, and the practitioner will be barred from heaven.

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