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If you can walk at all, then you should be able to walk on a treadmill.

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Q: Can you walk on your treadmill with a broken rib?
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What are symptoms of a hamsters broken rib?

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Does a broken rib lead to breathing problems?

Normally a broken rib does not impede breathing, but it is possible for the rib to puncture a lung, in which case it does cause a serious problem.

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How should you sleep with a broken rib?

When you have a broken rib you should sleep so that there is no pressure on it. This might mean sleeping on your back or on your good side.

What type of treadmill gives you the most intensive cardio workout?

All treadmill would give you approximately the same type of cardio workout. To increase your workout, you may want to choose a treadmill that allows you to walk fast or to walk "uphill".

What is the machine thing called the one that you walk in it in the gym?

A treadmill.

How do you know if a dog has a broken rib?

It can be hard to tell for sure if your dog has a broken rib, but if you even suspect your dog has a broken bone, take the dog to the vet. A dog with a broken rib may cry in pain when touched or petted, or when the dog tries to move around, especially when getting up or lying down.

How do you know if your dog has a broken rib?

It can be hard to tell for sure if your dog has a broken rib, but if you even suspect your dog has a broken bone, take the dog to the vet. A dog with a broken rib may cry in pain when touched or petted, or when the dog tries to move around, especially when getting up or lying down.

What could it be when you have a rib that is tender to touch?

You could have a bruised or broken rib. However, a broken rib usually causes your breathing to be painful. If this is not the case the bruise is more likely. If the symptoms don't subside I recommend seeing your doctor.

What can you do about your dogs broken rib?

One word, Vet.

Should you walk on the treadmill or ride the bike first?

Does not really matter, I normally walk first and then Bike

How long for a babys rib to heal after being broken?

If your baby's rib is broken PLEASE take the baby immediately to the hospital! The hospital can answer your question for your baby's specific case.