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Yes. The technical name for it is pseudocyesis. The actual definition is: A complex affecting women with a strong and unfulfilled desire for children, resulting in amenorrhea (lack of a menstrual cycle), morning sickness, swelling of breasts, increase in abdominal girth.

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Q: Can you want to be pregnant so bad that you start to feel the symptoms?
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Your doctor says I'm not pregnant but you feel pregnant what is it?

It is possible to have a fake pregnancy, where you want so badly to be pregnant, that your body recreates all the symptoms of pregnancy.

What does it mean if i have started to bleed feel sick and lightheaded with some i pregnant?

These are symptoms of being pregnant. You could also be sick. You may want to take a pregnancy test.

You got two negative pregnancy tests have what you think is a slight period but you feel pregnant and have many symptoms HELP?

If you think you're pregnant and want help, go to a doctor or clinic.

Could it be in your head if you have been having symptoms of being pregnant but don't have a positive test result?

Yes. A lot of whomen who want to be pregnant can actually make themselves feel symptoms. You should really wait until you are late with your period and then take another test.

What symptoms do dogs have when pregnant?

They sleep a lot, will eat tons of food then want more, may start vomiting or have Diaria. And will definently have a big stomach. Plus where pups will get their milk at, like cows, they will start to get bigger.

What is wrong if you feel very pregnant but the doctor and all tests say negative and you have 2 children so you're familiar with pregnancy symptoms and you don't want to be pregnant again?

you just have to wait you will know in a few months but if test say no then they are probably right but nothing is 100%

Who is volnerable for phantom pregnancy?

Generally people who really want to be pregnant, are anxious about becoming pregnant, or feel guilty and are paranoid about becoming pregnant.

Do people who arent pregnant and that want to be have the same symptoms a pregnant woman does?

No,Unless you had a historical pregnancy(Where you think you pregnant but not;Usually happens when you're desperate for a baby)But if you think you're pregnant take a test.

Can you have symptoms of being pregnant at only 3 weeks?

no Hun believe me i used to be a doctor but i did not put it on my bio. for the first three weeks you will feel sick but be care full you don't want to get your temperate over 102 or you will miscarriage.

If you want to become pregnant And you start your periods Will you be pregnant?

Yes, you just have to have sex while you are ovulating & fertile.

Can you have pregnancy symptoms and not be pregnant?

Yes; it is called a phantom pregnancy. Which basically means that it is all psychological. Either you are very afraid, guilty, paranoid etc. about being pregnant that you think your mind into being pregnant or you want to be pregnant to bad that you fool your body into thinking that you are pregnant. You will experience pregnancy symptoms and can even lactate during a phantom pregnancy.

Can you give me pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is your period is MIA. Then you start to feel nauseous Then your boobs will get sore and feel like they have put a ton of weight on. And the final way is a + pt! Hope this helps. If you want more info go for more details. They have a quiz to check your symptoms and a calender to predict when (if you are in fact prego) will be born!