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depends on what state

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Q: Can your boyfriends mom get in trouble for you getting pregnant in her house?
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If you are 17 and pregnant by your 18 year old boyfriend can you move out of your house with him without you or him getting in trouble?

yes you can

Can a 17 year old move into her 29 year old boyfriends house without getting him into trouble in the state of Michigan?

Yes, the legal age of consent in Michigan is 16.

Can a pregnant 16 year old in New Mexico move into her 18 year old boyfriends house with out getting in trouble?

Moving out without parental consent could results in trouble. The age of consent is 16, so there shouldn't be a problem with the pregnancy, other than the normal challenges of being very young and without an education and trying to raise a child.

What rights do you have in getting your things from ex boyfriends house?

sneak in and steal it back it your stuff

Can you move out your house at 17 without getting in trouble in Florida?


What to do when you get invited to your boyfriends house?

If you feel comfortable with the invite to your boyfriends house, then you should go. Only you know the whole situation and can decide if the timing is right for you to go to his house or not.

How can a father prevent a child who's not biological his and is thirteen from moving out of wife's house and into the house of her fourteen year old boyfriends house if he believe's she is having sex?

And you can not get in touch with the mother? Call the boyfriends parents and say the child is not allowed to move out. It would be underage sex and illegal. If his parents allow it they can get into legal trouble for it and the CPS would get involved. A 13yo is not allowed to move out without parental permission and there has to be a guardian.

Is it safe to let a girl cat out free in the house when first getting it?

She will probably get pregnant .

Can you be added to the deeds of your boyfriends house that you are contributing to?


Can you leave your parents house at age 18 without getting in trouble?

yes legally. but its up to your parents

What is the movie where a mother gets stuck with her kid anyways she keeps getting new boyfriends and they are constantly moving when they go back to her parents house?

Could it be the movie Tumbleweeds.

What wrong if you are a month pregnant and getting big as a house?

you may actually be a house and be too dumb to notice. check and see if your porch is showing.