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No, it is child abandonment if she kicks you out. Talk to the Child Protection Agency if you have serious problems at home.

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Q: Can your parents kick you out at 17 then call 911 and report you as a runaway?
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Can your parents kick you out then call the police on you?

Depending on what you did... yes.

What do you do if your 17 yr old moves out and an adult is harbouring him?

If he's not allowed to legally where you live due to his age or if you have not given permission if needed, you report him as a runaway. It's illegal to harbor a runaway and then the police can go and get him. Or you tell the adult that what they are doing is illegal so maybe then they kick him out.

Can you move in with your friend even if there is no problems at home?

It depends on your age and your parents. If you are the "age of majority" which changes depending on where you are, then yes, provided that if they live with their parents that they are ok with it. If you are still considered a minor then you must have your parents permission or there are a number of options that they can take. Some being that they can report you as a runaway, missing or in many places, call the cops and have them escort you home. Sometimes this results in your friend or their parents having to deal with legal issues which is exspensive and stressful. Also if your friend lives with their parents you need their parents permission as well or they can just kick you out or call the cops to escort you off the property and then it's tresspassing if you go back without their consent. Although really if there are no issues at home, then there's no reason to live with someone else.

Can parents kick out a minor in nh?

No, that's illegal. Call the Child Protective Agency if this is happening to you.

How do you tell your parents you have 2 f's on your progress report?

Just say that its just the progress report then cry and beg then cry some more saying that you'll bring em up on the report card. Hope they don't kick your ass!;-)

Should you runaway from home cos your parents are telling you to?

No. If you are a minor they are obligated to provide for you anyway so if they want you out that is not the way. They can not legally kick you out. Being on the run is unsafe. If you are in trouble contact a social worker to get help.

For Call of duty MW2 can you hack the prestige mode?

yeah but yo are goin to be kick out of xbox live so if you get a messege about that say no and report them.

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Kick their door in, and invade their privacy. Yeah then they can call the cops and get you arrested.

Parents want to kick me out of the house?

they can kick you out at 18 or ditch you in an orphanage

Is it illegal for parents to kick out a 17 year old after having a baby in the state of Georgia?

Yes. The 17yo is still a minor and the parents are still obligated to provide for her. Call Child Protective Service.

Can your parents kick you out at 17?

no by law they can not

How do you get negatives off your credit report?

kIck it in the face 1! oops