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If you're in the US... Yes, they can.

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Q: Can your parents legally take you off their insurance if you're 18 years old and still in high school?
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Married at 16 does parents insurance still cover?

Once you're married, you're legally considered an emancipated adult and would not be covered by your parents' insurance. You would be covered by your spouse's insurance.

How old can you be to buy auto insurance?

Old enough to legally drive is old enough to buy auto insurance. i still a minor you will be required to have your parents countersign the application

Can an 18-year-old move out of their parents' home if they are still in high school in California?

They are legally allowed to move out, as they are adult "technically", but as far as the school is concerned the parents would still be legal guardians and need to sign any and all excuses.

At what age will you get kicked off your parents health insurance?

As long as you are still attending school, most health insurances will let you remain on your parents plan.

Are parents legally responsible for 18 yr old still in high school?

In most cases, parents are still legally responsible for their 18-year-old child who is still in high school. This includes providing financial support, making medical decisions, and ensuring their well-being until they turn 18 or graduate from high school, whichever comes later.

Does the parents have to keep insurance pay school fees if child of 18 and still in high school moves out?

No they don't because the child is over age

Are parents legally responsible for a 18 year old who is a senior in high school and living in the parents home?

Yes, parents are typically legally responsible for their 18-year-old child who is still in high school and living at home. Parents are required to provide their child with food, shelter, and clothing until they reach the age of majority, which is usually 18.

Can your parents legally kick you out if you are 18 and still going to high school in Delaware?

There is nothing to stop them from doing so. You are considered an adult at age 18.

Can you move out of your parents' house if you're still in school and are 17?

Yes, but if the authorities find you they can take you back. But legally No you can't without parental consent.

If i buy a car can i still be on my parents insurance?

Ask your insurance company. It is likely that you parents will need to be the owners.

Kicked out at 16 still in school no where to go help?

Depending on which state you live in, your parents cannot kick you out legally. You are their responsibility until you are legally considered an adult.

How old can a child be and stay on parents health insurance?

It depends, I am 20 and still on my parents insurance, But i am also a full time student. I also have to say that I am still living in my parents home.