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a period is always bleeding this clear mnucus you are describing is normal for every women, it actually cleans the vagina, you have never had your period, so this moodieness and cramps could be that your period will be coming soon

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Q: Can your period be clear if you have never had youre period but every month you get a clear fluid cramps and moodiness can that still be your period if not what is it?
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Is it normal for some women to get period like cramps a week after their period ends and is it normal for these cramps to last every day?

Yes. It is perfectly normal to have cramps after your period. You still have a lot of hormones that your body is dealing with. Just give it a few days.

When do you have period?

Your period can come at anytime that is why it is always a good idea to have pads or tampons handy. Haveing your period does not mean that you have to be mature it is just a change that happens to every growing female. Periods can cause moodiness,cramps,bloating,headaches,ect. Your period comes every month for about 5 days or more. Sometimes you don't have your peirod you can pregnant or ethier just very stressed so it wont come that month but don't worry it will be there next month to give you what you missed.

How do you know you're on your period?

your addaude might change or you get headaches and stomach cramps

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Is it normal for some women to get period-like cramps a week after their period ends and is it normal for these cramps to last every day?

No it is not normal, see your doctor to make sure it is not a Sexually Transmitted Disease or some other problem.

How painful are cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I had cramps during my first pregnancy which felt a lot like period cramps, but I did not have cramps during my other two pregnancies. They usually disappear after the third month (12 weeks.)

When you were due for your period had cramps and light pink discharge im 15 days late a still get cramps sometimes can you be pregnant?

Slightly you can possibly be pregnant,but just try and stretch in the morn'in as much as you can every where!

You have got period pains on the first day of your missed period as you are trying to get pregnant why is that?

Its totally normal i have had the implant and haven't had a period for two and a half years but every month i get the cramps, bloating and other symptoms

Do all girls get cramps before they start there period?

Not necissarily. Menstrual cramps are common, with around 80% of women experiencing menstrual cramps at some point in their lives, however menstrual cramps are not a normal part of healthy menstruation so not everyone gets them (and if you do there are ways to prevent them). Menstrual cramps can be more common in your pre-teens and teens due to hormonal imbalance, so you may get menstrual cramps during your first period...but you may not.

Are you supposed to get cramps before your first period?

Yes, Cramps are a symtom of all periods (Along with bloating,irritability,fatigue,back aches,ect). Some people have them and some people don't. Nothing to worry about. I usually dont get cramps but some months I do... Every girl is differnet.

Why do women feel ugly during their period?

During a woman's period, her body (specifically stomach) get bloated, plus cramps start in the stomach. With the uncomfortable feeling of the cramps and constant awareness of blood coming out of your crotch every couple of minutes and the bloated stomach, it's hard to feel pretty.

If you have brown discharge every time a week before your period and this time you period is late with tingling niples breast so sore you don't want to touc them but still have cramps could you be pre?

If you are still having a period, you are not pregnant.