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It has been my experience that your cycles will usually be fairly close. I've never had mine vary more than a day off, depending on what I've been doing that day. (the more active, the earlier it may start) .

AnswerMy periods always come on a Tuesday, but a day off isn't a big deal. But it should come the same day or the next. If you exercise or active, it will come faster. AnswerI'm a Sunday starter, and my periods always come on Tuesdays. I've been on Yasmin for about a year now. AnswerI am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and I am a Sunday starter. My period usually comes on Tuesday or Wednesday, but sometimes even Thursday. AnswerI'm a Yasmin Sunday starter and I always start my period on a Wednesday every month. AnswerIt depends. If you have never really had a regular period then it's normal to still have irregular periods while being on Birth Control. my periods are usually a few days off every time. I've even been known to start 2 weeks early sometimes too so it's all good, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
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9y ago
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14y ago

yes you still will get your period on the pill. some pills you get your period every month and there are some pills that you have your period every three months. just talk to your doctor about what is right for you.

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11y ago

Yes, you can change the date of your period with birth control pills. For more information, talk with your health care provider or pharmacist. It's easier to do with some pills than others, and you must be aware that you may have spotting or unscheduled bleeding while you're changing your cycle.

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9y ago

On hormonal birth control you don't get a period, you get a withdrawal bleed.

Hormonal birth control pills work by stopping your menstrual cycles so that you no longer ovulate, and as you no longer ovulate you also no longer menstruate. The bleeding women experience on the pill is a withdrawal bleed caused by the drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills or the week break every 28 days. Your withdrawal bleed should always occur on that placebo week, once you've been on the pill for a while this will be exact to the day.

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16y ago

Providing it arrives when on the 7 day break or sugar pills then this is normal.

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13y ago

You will likely go back to the pattern you had before.

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12y ago

Some women will have unscheduled and unexpected bleeding when starting the birth control pill.

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10y ago

Starting hormonal birth control may cause an immediate effect on your period. Over time, the birth control pill lightens menstrual bleeding.

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Q: Can your period come on when you taking birth control pills?
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Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

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Can you get pregnant from skipping your period using Birth Control?

Skipping your period by taking extra birth control pills or fewer placebo (sugar) pills lowers, not raises, your risk of pregnancy.

What will taking 2 extra birth control pills do?

Delay your period by 2 days.

What can cut your period off?

Lemon Juice & Taking Birth Control Pills Also.

Period on birth control?

depends on the birth control. if you're taking the regular pills, you'll still get your period, but, unlike mine, it wont be at wacky times.

When do you start taking your birth control pills if your period starts on monday?

If you start the birth control pill on the day your period starts, you'll have immediate protection.

What happens to your menstrual cycle if you start birth control pills two Sundays after period ended?

you will get your period when you start taking your "period" placebo pills in your pack

Should you keep taking your birth control pills when you have your period?

If they are your birth control pills, prescribed by your doctor, you need to make another appointment and listen this time to what your doctor tells you.

When does your period start while on birth control?

Your period usually starts from Tuesday to Thursday after taking the reminder pills.

Can you get your period when you are in the middle of taking birth control pills?

yes, but it just might be breakthrough bleeding.

Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??