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Yes, absolutely. Sometimes periods can get off the regular schedule for no reason.

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13y ago

Yes it's called an irregular cycle. If you have more than one in a row or don't get your period at all you should see a Dr.

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Q: Could your menstrual cycle be late and you not be pregnant?
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Your menstrual cycle is late 2 days?

Your pregnant

How many weeks pregnant are you if you three days late from your period?

4 weeks and 3 days as long as you have a normal 28 day menstrual cycle. It could be less if you have an irregular ovulation cycle.

Can four B12 injection make your menstrual cycle late?

Four B12 shots usually will not cause your menstrual cycle to be late. Your cycle can be late if your body is low in vitamin B12. You should talk with your doctor and ask him why your menstrual cycle would be late

How do you being pregnant?

You should contact your doctor if you are showing signs of being pregnant. (nausea, headaches, backpain, late menstrual cycle, etc) Your doctor will direct you from there.

How do you handle being pregnant?

You should contact your doctor if you are showing signs of being pregnant. (nausea, headaches, backpain, late menstrual cycle, etc) Your doctor will direct you from there.

Could you be pregnant without having intercourse after menstruating?

Usually the way you become pregnant is by having intercourse, but it is possible to become pregnant if a man ejaculated, leaving semen in the area outside of your vagina. If your next menstrual cycle is late you should take a pregnancy test.

Can menstrual cycle occur late?

it sure does occure late in many cases

Can a girl have intercourse before puberty or 1st menstrual cycle?

Well, anatomically she might be able to, but unless her puberty is very late it'd be inadvisable due to lack of emotional and personal development at that age. There's also a risk that her sexual debut might coincide with her first menstrual cycle, so she could get pregnant.

Your bf touched you a week before your period and then you got it on time but then now you are late with your period could you be pregnant?

No. Whenever you are at risk because of activity, you are only at risk for that menstrual cycle. If your boyfriend touched you and you had a normal period, then you are not pregnant. If he touched you after that and now you're late, I'd raise an eyebrow, but I wouldn't worry.

How do you know if your late on your menstrual cycle?

When you haven't had a. Period for a while

C section menstrual cycle late?

After having a baby, your period is generally late

Can having more than one sex partner cause a woman's menstrual cycle to be off?

No, having multiple sexual partners has no impact on the menstrual cycle at all.The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, it is controlled by hormonal changes within the reproductive organs and so sex does not change the cycle (unless the person falls pregnant). The menstrual cycle can't tell how many sexual partners a person has, nor would there be any reason for the menstrual cycle to change if a person has multiple sexual partners.