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If you witness a criminal act, and/or knowingly fail to report knowledge of a criminal act, you technically beocme an "accessory." Yes, your probation can probably ve violated for that.

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Q: Can your probation be violated if you witness someone else doing drugs?
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What would happen if someone violated their probation by doing something like drinking?

These questions are impossible to answer - because they ask someone to "read the mind" of the sentencing judge as to what they might do under a certain set of circumstances. It cannot be done.

How do you report a probation officer who isn't doing their job and has not violated someone who's been violating probation?

The same way you would report any public official who is not performing their job correctly or is committing wrongding - - write a letter to his superiors. Every state has some kind of agency similar to a Department of Parole and Probation or some similar type of agency to that. Look them up in the blue pages of your phone book and get their address.

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He is out of control. If you do not know what he is doing you need to get someone in to speak to you and him and advise you.

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If you have been ordered by a judge to community service as a condition of probation or a suspended sentence your probation can be violated by your probation officer. In turn if you do not do your community service you are looking at jail time.In most cases you can do 30 days in your county jail but can get as little as 10 days or more time to do community service/pay fines depends on your record and if they hade to bring you to court by local p.d.

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Yes, he could be tampering with the testing materials, or someone else may be. However, there is no benefit to be gained by anyone doing so. Odds are, the Probation Office is using the cheapest testing materials they can find.

What will happen on your first violation of probation in MD?

There is no way of determining and/or anwering this question, it is entirely up the the judge who originally sentenced you. Probation is not a free pass, it is a SENTENCE handed down after being found guilty. The judge has the option of doing anything in his discretion, including remanding you to prison to serve the balance of your sentence.

How many days could you serve in prison for violating your probation by not living at the address given to your probation officer?

Not living at the address given to your probation officer would be considered violating probation. Doing this can get you sent back to prison for the remainder of your sentence.

In Michigan can you smoke weed on probation for assault if you get a medical card while on probation?

I would definitely recommend NOT doing so without first getting a ruling from the judge that gave you the probation sentence.

When you turn twenty one and your on probation can you drink?

While you are now legal to drink in your area you must check the conditions of your probation. The terms of probation often include not drinking or doing any drugs.

Should you drive while under probation?

Unless the terms of your probation prohibit you from doing so, it shouldbe okay. If you are in doubt, ask your PO.

Is driving on suspended license violation of probation?

I after just being placed on probation was a nervous wreck with the same question. Every state is different and it also will depend on if the probation was for a traffic offense in the first place. Assuming it was not you shouldbeall set. Here's the deal if you are on supervised probation you MUST report it to your probation officer because in your monthy review it asks "Have you had any police contact?" if you do not report the ticket you are falsifying this document and then can be violated. In I have spoken with several probation supervisors in RI that state MINOR traffic offenses are not grounds for revocation and need not be reported if on unsupervised probation. Hope this helps.

Can a person from NC leave the state while on probation?

Usually, the probation officer will submit a form to a supervisor for approval to leave the state. If the order of probation prohibits you from leaving the state, it is usually up to the probation officer if you can leave. There must be a good reasonto leave the state, and it helps if he/she has been doing well while on probation.