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Q: Can your tire fall off if the tire rod is bad if tire is vibrting?
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Can wheel bearing make tire fall off?

Yes, a wheel bearing can make a tire fall off while it is being driven. If the bearing does fall off, the tire can then fall off the vehicle.

Will a tire fall off when the wheel bearing breaks?

A bad wheel bearing can cause your tire to tilt inward. The motion of the tire tilt thing in word, while you are driving, can cause the axle to break and the tire to come off.

Can your tire fall off if struts bad?

It's highly unlikely that a bad strut will allow a tire to "fall off". The strut is not the only thing holding the wheel to the car. A bad strut is more likely to cause excessive wear on other suspension componnents and should be replaced every 50000-75000 miles as general maintenance.

Can a bad wheel bearing cause a tire to fall off the car?

If any one of your wheel bearings are damaged or wearing then they should be repaired or replaced before anything bad happens.

How can a tire fall off of a car?

if oyu sheer the lug nuts off that hold tire onto car, or if a front suspension part fails it can cause tire to come off

Will my tire fall off on my 2001 Nissan Sentra if I need a wheel bearing replaced?

Tire fall off, not likely. It just may seize the spindle and lock it up (and cause you to not be able to steer, or move the vehicle).

Your car is making a loud noise coming from your right tire when turning what could be?

Check tire for wear and inflation Make sure the inner plastic didnt fall off alittle bit. Could be cv joint or a bad wheel hub.

Can a tire fall off if you don't replace the wheel bearing?

haha no but it will eventually lock up an you will drag tha one tire

Can a tire fall off from a bad wheel bearing being bad?

according to my mechanic and 3 others, YES it happened to me in my 94 dodge ram, although i would definatly be aware of things around ya!! god bless America

What if when putting tire back on and you do not tighten it enough and drive it for awile?

It will inevitably loosen and fall off.

Does bad credit fall off after 7 years?


Can impact wrench damage tire lugs?

No, but it CAN screw them on so hard you will never get them off with a regular tire wrench. - On the chance of a roadside puncture that can be a bad scene !