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Sometimes. It depends on the astrological birth charts. BOTH signs tend to worry too much.

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Q: Cancer and Virgo
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Virgo, Taurus or cancer. Virgo SHEEP?? but anyways, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio ( order from greatest to least)

Is a Cancer woman and Virgo man a good match?

They are a good match yes, but Capricorn and Taurus are better for Virgo and Scorpio and Pisces are better suited for Cancer, but yes generally Cancer and Virgo work pretty well.

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Cancer is a Water sign and Virgo is an Earth sign. They're both sensitive people who care.

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Virgo love match ;Capricorn ,tourus, cancer, scopio

Cancer Virgo match?

Yes, it can work.

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The sign that is most compatible with a Taurus male is Virgo. Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra, Cancer and Leo also make good matches for the Taurus male.

What is the love match for a female Virgo?

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn make good matches for a Virgo.

What astrology sign is a good mate for the Cancer sign?

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Which sign is a Virgo Sheep compatible with?

The complimentary opposite sign to Virgo is Pisces. Virgo has a harmonious relationship with Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Leo. Virgo has a difficult relationship with Sagittarius and Gemini. Virgo has a turbulent relationship with Aquarius and Aries.