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Q: Caused by infection or capable of causing infection?
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What is the differencr between infectious and nonfectious?

infectious1. Capable of causing infection.2. Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection.3. Caused by a pathogenic microorganism or agent.4. Easily or readily communicated: an infectious laugh.Non-infectious diseases are those diseases that are not caused by a pathogen and cannot be shared from one person to another.

Why did Christopher Reeve have to die?

Because he had suffered a severe systematic infection caused by a pressure wound which put him into a coma causing his death.

The Hope Diamond caused what major event?

The Hope Diamond is a gemstone. It is not capable of causing any kind of event, except a transaction that changes its ownership.

Which microorganism is capable of causing post-operative surgical infection?

Pseudomonas auruginosa is the notorious organism to cause the post operative surgical infection. It may be present anywhere than you can imagine in your operation theatre, away from your fumigation system.

What is the disease caused by streptococcal infection causing damage to the heart valves and heart muscle?

The disease is called rheumatic heart disease. It is an autoimmune disease that follows an untreated bout of pharyngitis (sore, inflamed throat) caused by an infection with the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

Diseases caused by archaea?

Archaea are a group of single-celled microorganisms. There are no cases of confirmed diseases having been caused by archaea, yet this does not mean that they are not capable of causing disease.

What is perisitic infection?

Infection caused by bacteria

What is capable of causing a serious disease?

Pathogens .

What is capable of causing serious disease?

Pathogens .

What has caused mumps?

It is caused by a virus infection

Is kidney infection treatable?

A kidney infection treatable is VERY treatable! It is caused by a bacteria. When the doctor sends your urine sample to the lab, they will identify what kind of bacteria is causing the infection. Generally, 10 days of antibiotics will kill the bacteria.

What did people used to think caused ulcers?

Worry, stress and dietary factors causing gastric acid were thought to be the cause of ulcers.