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ned kelly ned kelly ned kelly ------------------------ The total supression of the Geman economy after WWI laid the foundation for the Nazi party rise in Germany and WWII. That's a short answer, but in a nutshell it is accurate.

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Q: Causes of wold war 2 post world war 1?
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What percentage of African Americans fight in Wold War 1?

You spelt World as Wold, and instead of fought you put fight.

How many wold war have there been?

There has only been 2 world wars.

Why was World War 1 called a wold war?

because it was fourght in countries from 3 different continents

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Please, retry to type that.. But, yes, they did enter the World War I.

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At the time of the First Wold War, the Philippines were an American colony.

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Hi, there was about 204,000 wounded in wold war one.

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it wold war was bad

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working in factories.

What is known as post war world?

Post war is after World War II; 1945. Post cold war is after the cold war; 1990 (even though the papers were signed in 1991).

Wold war 2 why was wold war two dangerous?

It was a war so it was obviously dangerous. Think guns and bombs.

Why is it called WW1?

WW1 is short for Wold War 1. It was the first war that truly impacted all the countries of the world.

How did the united states geography factor influence the action on world war 2?

wold war 2 stopped and cold war began