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Q: Causes suffering to distresses greatly
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Is distresses singular?

When used as a noun, distresses is the plural form of distress.

What is the root of all suffering?

Human desire causes this suffering.

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Suffering GREATLY AND I MEAN GREATLY amounts of HIV/AIDS infection

What is the root cause of all suffering?

Human desire causes this suffering.

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It doesn't. It causes suffering and radiation poisoning.

Who is most prone to get restless legs syndrome?

Although the demographics can vary greatly, the majority of people suffering from RLS are female. The age of onset also varies greatly, but the number of people suffering from RLS increases with age

What are causes of suffering?

In ancient buddhism readings people say it is desire that creates suffering'

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Actually, he only gave one (root) cause of suffering, craving.

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something that causes pain or suffering.

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What are the causes of human suffering during the civil war?

it wasnt a civil war.