

Who is most prone to get restless legs syndrome?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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Although the Demographics can vary greatly, the majority of people suffering from RLS are female. The age of onset also varies greatly, but the number of people suffering from RLS increases with age

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Q: Who is most prone to get restless legs syndrome?
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What are some symptoms of restless leg syndrome?

There are many symptoms associated with restless leg syndrome. The most common is the feeling that you have to move your legs. Many say they feel like they are walking. Other symptoms include: the sensation that you legs are crawling, throbbing, burning and pain or itchy legs. The symptoms may vary in severity, with more people reporting more symptoms during the night while sleeping because their legs will be twitching or kicking hundreds of times during the night.

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"Restless leg syndrome often has an underlying cause, which must be discovered in order to treat restless leg syndrome. For example, anemia may require increased iron intake, varicose veins may require surgery, and smokers may need to quit."

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