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Q: Cells that carry out a response to a stimulus are called?
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What General type of cells carry out the immune response?

T-cells B-cells

What general type of cells carry out immune response?

T-cells B-cells

Is classical conditioning the form of learning to carry out in order to change something in the environment?

Classical conditioning is a form of learning that involves associating a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus to elicit a particular response. It is more about creating an automatic response to a particular stimulus, rather than changing something in the environment directly.

When langerhans cells phagocytize pathogens where do they carry them to?

Regional lymph nodes where they present to T cells, activating the adaptive immune response.

How does the structure of nerve cells help them carry messages throughout the body?

Allows for sensing, response ,and control

What are the cells called that carry the blood around the body?

Red blood cells

Identify characteristics that organisms must have to carry on the processes of life?

Organisms must be able to obtain and use energy, respond to their environment, grow and develop, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis to carry on the processes of life. Additionally, they must be composed of one or more cells, have genetic material for inheritance, and undergo evolution through natural selection.

Why meiotic division is called reduction division?

Meiotic division is called reduction division because it reduces the chromosome number in half, going from diploid to haploid cells. This reduction is necessary in sexual reproduction to maintain a constant chromosome number across generations when gametes fuse during fertilization.

How does glucose affect red blood cells?

Glucose can bind to hemoglobin and form glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in red blood cells. This process is used to monitor blood sugar levels over time in individuals with diabetes. High levels of glucose can also lead to osmotic swelling of red blood cells, affecting their function and potentially causing damage.

What is it called when the site of photosynthesis in plant cells?

They are the chloroplasts. They carry out photosynthesis

Plants have special cells that carry food and water throughout organisms called?

they are call vascular cells.

What are the sex chromosomes called that do not carry traits?

you mean stem cells? those aren't chromosomes, but they are blank cells.